Release 3.1.0-rc2
Date: 2019-07-19
Name: “mozzarella stick peru piggy-bank”
- More UI Improvements
- API: scheduler takeover endpoint can specify multiple job IDs
- Added option to Enable/Disable notifications for Referenced Jobs #5026
- (Enterprise) License key can be shared among cluster members using
- (Enterprise) Execution cleanup process can clean up executions from dead cluster members
Bug Fixes
- Project List page correctly loads project controls
- Remote Option values using allowed values was not validating correctly
- Fixed node enhancer plugins not working #5005
- JAAS/property file login module: username should not be added as a role
- Admin view of user Profile page with lots of API tokens will load correctly
- (Enterprise) Cluster manager: can select all orphan jobs to reassign scheduler owner
- Updated dependencies flagged due to CVEs #5047
- Added “Attribute Match Node Enhancer” plugin: customize node icons, or inject new node attributes based on other attributes
- (Enterprise) Ruleset workflow strategy can use variables on both sides of conditional comparisons
- (Enterprise) SQL Runner can use inline SQL script
- (Enterprise) File Transfer source should allow wildcards
- Sync Rundeck profile from LDAP user attributes config option #4995
- Template added for plugin repository feature #5040
- (Enterprise) Updated cluster config defaults so that clustering works more naturally OOTB
Milestone 3.1.0-RC2
- Change in the async call for SCM gui #4998
- Uncaught TypeError on jobs page using SCM. #5074
- Uncaught TypeError on jobs page using SCM
- Takeover endpoint with multiple ids correctly using api v32 #5069
- Execution cleanup on a cluster
- Remove unused project param in plugin validation method
- Capability to compare between variables using ruleset. fixes #5050
- Capability to compare variables using ruleset
- Fixes #1654 to make cleanup on records in Workflow, workflow_step and workflow_workflow_step when executions are deleted
- Issues #5002, #4979, #4463, #4464, #4465, #4466 - Update several library dependencies to address reported CVEs.
- oficial docke image: adding custom templates for repository feature.
- reverting changes to allow schedule jobs to respect the remote policy
- Fixes #5030 - This changes make validations if the options from URL is a json object or a simple array list of options…
- Problem with remote URL options validation
- Fix #5023 race condition bug in wf engine
- Option to Enable/Disable notifications for Referenced Jobs #4182
- Upgrades jackson to 2.9.9 to address vulnerabilities
- Adding attribute-match-node-enhancer plugin to the rundeck oss core
- Fix #5000 highlight workflow editor unsaved changes issues
- JNDI info in the configuration page #5010
- Fix: job delete “delete all executions” checkbox, and some form control labels don’t work
- more optimized use of pluginControlService
- GUI: job workflow editor has visual problems
- Fix EnhancedNodeService bean was not loaded #5004
- Node Enhancer feature is not working
- Adds “Cancel” button to UI
- GUI: When editing a job, errors are not clearly shown.
- GUI: “Cancel” option not present when editing Node Sources
- Unable to import SCM changes - URI is too large >8192
- Sync Rundeck profile from LDAP user attributes for official docker image
- adding bind address to jsch
- Fix Issue #4831 - Adds pagination of tokens on user profile page.
- Small improvement to the API forecast
- 3.1: misc ui tweaks
- Remove unreliable test on ReloadablePropertyFileLoginModule.
- Improve performance when copying/editing a job
- Security Scan library updates
- Fix home page project ui not loading #4149
- Update runbook marker parsing fixes #4973
- Task/3.1.0 ui review
- Add UI plugins to the new installed plugin list.
- Runbook not shown in job page
- dateformat and locale update
- Changes to fix #4847 - Option enforced with allowed values from remote url was not validating
- Added test and extra if conditional to fix #4959
- upgrade python winrm 2.0.3. Adding support for kerberos authentication
- Execution mode status API with failing code when status is passive.
- Cleanup/prototype scriptaculous
- Fix: potential npe caused by race
- Fix empty error when node exec validation fails
- fix #4958 file copier form always show defaults
- Schedule DayOfWeek via terraform/API fails.
- RD3.1 New Configure Project Form doesn’t work as expected
- 3.1: motd updates
- Fix: run job with no options causes error
- Add multiple jobs ids to scheduler/takeover endpoint
- 3.1: job page shows running executions
- 3.1: Updates: node filters in job run page
- fix: don’t log full stacktrace for “already being executed” conflict
- 3.1: Nodes updates
- 3.1: event access update
- UI: Job Show/Run page updates
- Update repository dependency.
- UI fixes, minor css and html changes, flattened
- 3.1: UI: project config form tabs
- Fix #4778. Normalize JAAS debugging log messages.
- Ability to specify -b variable for SSH
- Fix #4930 for ReloadablePropertyFileLoginModule.
- Jaas login using PropertyFileLoginModule adds username as a role
- enabling option plugins by default
- Fix #4894 invalid sourcemappingurl causes 404
- Add validationQuery parameter
- Option enforced with allowd values from remote url not validating
- UI progress bar : display issue
- Timezone in execution log output
- Option to Enable/Disable notifications for Referenced Jobs
- RD3 GUI: When displaying overview page with a big amount of projects ( over 15 ) the last ones may not load “configure” and “create job” buttons correctly
- Tooltip always shows the wrong time (unless timezone is equal to Zulu/UTC)
- Alberto Hormazabal
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Diego Queiroz (DiegoQueiroz)
- Evan Farrell (moosilauke18)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- DiegoQueiroz
- ahormazabal
- boudekerk
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- gschueler
- javiergoni
- jessemarple
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- marcbejerano
- menathor
- moosilauke18
- nmamn
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- tintranvan