Release 3.1.0
Date: 2019-07-31
Name: “mozzarella stick peru piggy-bank”
- Alberto Hormazabal
- Antoine Leroyer (aleroyer)
- Can Hanhan (finarfin)
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- MegaDrive68k
- ahormazabal
- aleroyer
- carlosrfranco
- finarfin
- gschueler
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.1.0
Release 3.1.0-rc2
Date: 2019-07-19
Name: “mozzarella stick peru piggy-bank”
- Alberto Hormazabal
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Diego Queiroz (DiegoQueiroz)
- Evan Farrell (moosilauke18)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- DiegoQueiroz
- ahormazabal
- boudekerk
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- gschueler
- javiergoni
- jessemarple
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- marcbejerano
- menathor
- moosilauke18
- nmamn
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- tintranvan
Milestone 3.1.0-RC2
- Change in the async call for SCM gui #4998
- Uncaught TypeError on jobs page using SCM. #5074
- Uncaught TypeError on jobs page using SCM
- Takeover endpoint with multiple ids correctly using api v32 #5069
- Execution cleanup on a cluster
- Remove unused project param in plugin validation method
- Capability to compare between variables using ruleset. fixes #5050
- Capability to compare variables using ruleset
- Fixes #1654 to make cleanup on records in Workflow, workflow_step and workflow_workflow_step when executions are deleted
- Issues #5002, #4979, #4463, #4464, #4465, #4466 - Update several library dependencies to address reported CVEs.
- oficial docke image: adding custom templates for repository feature.
- reverting changes to allow schedule jobs to respect the remote policy
- Fixes #5030 - This changes make validations if the options from URL is a json object or a simple array list of options…
- Problem with remote URL options validation
- Fix #5023 race condition bug in wf engine
- Option to Enable/Disable notifications for Referenced Jobs #4182
- Upgrades jackson to 2.9.9 to address vulnerabilities
- Adding attribute-match-node-enhancer plugin to the rundeck oss core
- Fix #5000 highlight workflow editor unsaved changes issues
- JNDI info in the configuration page #5010
- Fix: job delete “delete all executions” checkbox, and some form control labels don’t work
- more optimized use of pluginControlService
- GUI: job workflow editor has visual problems
- Fix EnhancedNodeService bean was not loaded #5004
- Node Enhancer feature is not working
- Adds “Cancel” button to UI
- GUI: When editing a job, errors are not clearly shown.
- GUI: “Cancel” option not present when editing Node Sources
- Unable to import SCM changes - URI is too large >8192
- Sync Rundeck profile from LDAP user attributes for official docker image
- adding bind address to jsch
- Fix Issue #4831 - Adds pagination of tokens on user profile page.
- Small improvement to the API forecast
- 3.1: misc ui tweaks
- Remove unreliable test on ReloadablePropertyFileLoginModule.
- Improve performance when copying/editing a job
- Security Scan library updates
- Fix home page project ui not loading #4149
- Update runbook marker parsing fixes #4973
- Task/3.1.0 ui review
- Add UI plugins to the new installed plugin list.
- Runbook not shown in job page
- dateformat and locale update
- Changes to fix #4847 - Option enforced with allowed values from remote url was not validating
- Added test and extra if conditional to fix #4959
- upgrade python winrm 2.0.3. Adding support for kerberos authentication
- Execution mode status API with failing code when status is passive.
- Cleanup/prototype scriptaculous
- Fix: potential npe caused by race
- Fix empty error when node exec validation fails
- fix #4958 file copier form always show defaults
- Schedule DayOfWeek via terraform/API fails.
- RD3.1 New Configure Project Form doesn’t work as expected
- 3.1: motd updates
- Fix: run job with no options causes error
- Add multiple jobs ids to scheduler/takeover endpoint
- 3.1: job page shows running executions
- 3.1: Updates: node filters in job run page
- fix: don’t log full stacktrace for “already being executed” conflict
- 3.1: Nodes updates
- 3.1: event access update
- UI: Job Show/Run page updates
- Update repository dependency.
- UI fixes, minor css and html changes, flattened
- 3.1: UI: project config form tabs
- Fix #4778. Normalize JAAS debugging log messages.
- Ability to specify -b variable for SSH
- Fix #4930 for ReloadablePropertyFileLoginModule.
- Jaas login using PropertyFileLoginModule adds username as a role
- enabling option plugins by default
- Fix #4894 invalid sourcemappingurl causes 404
- Add validationQuery parameter
- Option enforced with allowd values from remote url not validating
- UI progress bar : display issue
- Timezone in execution log output
- Option to Enable/Disable notifications for Referenced Jobs
- RD3 GUI: When displaying overview page with a big amount of projects ( over 15 ) the last ones may not load “configure” and “create job” buttons correctly
- Tooltip always shows the wrong time (unless timezone is equal to Zulu/UTC)
Release 3.1.0-rc1
Date: 2019-06-07
Name: “mozzarella stick peru piggy-bank”
- Alberto Hormazabal (ahormazabal)
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Diego Queiroz (DiegoQueiroz)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stefan Kirrmann (kirrmann)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- DiegoQueiroz
- JPst
- ProTip
- RolandVExp
- ahormazabal
- am312
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- gschueler
- hs-hub-world
- jairov4
- jbanda15
- jessemarple
- jtobard
- kirrmann
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.1.0-RC1
Release 3.0.21
Date: 2019-07-30
Name: “mozzarella stick peru piggy-bank”
Bug fixes
- Carlos Eduardo Roriz Franco
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stefan Kirrmann (kirrmann)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- JesusRo
- ProTip
- benruset
- carlosrfranco
- ckaiser79
- dabest1
- fgutierrezz
- gschueler
- hs-hub-world
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- kirrmann
- ltamaster
- marcoc610
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.21
Release 3.0.21
Date: 2019-04-24
Name: “jalapeño popper pink plane”
Bug fixes
- Carlos Eduardo Roriz Franco
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stefan Kirrmann (kirrmann)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- JesusRo
- ProTip
- benruset
- carlosrfranco
- ckaiser79
- dabest1
- fgutierrezz
- gschueler
- hs-hub-world
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- kirrmann
- ltamaster
- marcoc610
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.21
Release 3.0.20
Date: 2019-04-08
Name: “jalapeño popper peru piggy-bank”
Bug fixes
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- ProTip
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- boudekerk
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- ltamaster
- marcioyoshida
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.20
Release 3.0.19
Date: 2019-03-27
Name: “jalapeño popper peachpuff phone”
Bug fixes
- David Hewitt (davidmhewitt)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- Daryes
- ProTip
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- danifr
- davidmhewitt
- gschueler
- jplassnibatt
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.19
Release 3.0.18
Date: 2019-03-22
Name: “jalapeño popper palevioletred paperclip”
Bug fixes.
- Carlos Eduardo Roriz Franco
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- carlosrfranco
- gschueler
- ltamaster
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.18
Release 3.0.17
Date: 2019-03-11
Name: “jalapeño popper orchid music”
Bug fixes.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- connoranderson
- vincsb
- vvbogdanov87
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- carlosrfranco
- connoranderson
- daviddaal74
- docbyte86
- fgutierrezz
- fluopotter
- gschueler
- jbguerraz
- jtobard
- sjrd218
- vincsb
- vvbogdanov87
Milestone 3.0.17
Release 3.0.16
Date: 2019-02-23
Name: “jalapeño popper orange leaf”
Reverts default CSP image source behavior to img-src: '*'
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.16
Release 3.0.15
Date: 2019-02-22
Name: “jalapeño popper olivedrab lamp”
Fixes community news sidebar style
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.15
Release 3.0.14
Date: 2019-02-21
Name: “jalapeño popper lime knight”
(Enter notes here) ## Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- miguelantonio
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- ajxb
- aparedero
- carlosrfranco
- gschueler
- jessemarple
- jgibart
- jtobard
- kristian-lesko
- ltamaster
- luisrivas35
- miguelantonio
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- vinillum
Milestone 3.0.14
Release 3.0.13
Date: 2019-01-23
Name: “jalapeño popper khaki headphones”
Security and bug fixes, and some enhancements.
Security fixes:
- potential stored XSS vulnerability (
- add Content-Security-Policy and other security HTTP headers to responses (see more info
- Alberto Hormazabal (ahormazabal)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- ahormazabal
- gschueler
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- vinillum
Milestone 3.0.13
Release 3.0.12
Date: 2019-01-14
Name: “jalapeño popper indianred grain”
This release addresses unhandled concurrency exceptions(lock timeouts and deadlocks) that may occur when running multiple instances of referenced jobs.
Using rundeck.disable.ref.stats=true
in to disable referenced job statistics updates can further reduce waits and retry WARN
log entries.
Increasing the connection pool size may still be required if many referenced jobs are being run conccurently and/or across many nodes:
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.12
Release 3.0.11
Date: 2019-01-14
Name: “jalapeño popper indianred grain”
Bug fix release.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.11
Release 3.0.11
Date: 2018-12-21
Name: “jalapeño popper greenyellow globe”
Bug fix release.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.11
Release 3.0.10
Date: 2018-12-20
Name: “jalapeño popper green glass”
Bug fixes and updates to the docker image.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- tokutakes (s-tokutake)
Bug Reporters
- Daryes
- ProTip
- cwaltherf
- fgutierrezz
- gschueler
- hprotzek
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- libussa
- ltamaster
- macgaveck
- omniton
- reinerrdeck
- s-tokutake
- sjrd218
- skywalke34
Milestone 3.0.10
Release 3.0.9
Date: 2018-12-20
Name: “jalapeño popper green glass”
Bug fixes and updates to the docker image.
- We have added new ACLs allowing access to Git/SCM import (job create, update, delete) without allowing normal GUI or API modifications.
- New: test JAAS login configuration from the commandline.
- Dave Riseley (driseley)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Petr (petrkle)
- Stefan Kirrmann (kirrmann)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- miguelantonio
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- aparedero
- driseley
- gjvc
- gschueler
- gtsteffaniak
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- kirrmann
- ltamaster
- miguelantonio
- mlamutt
- pchevallereau
- petrkle
- plambert
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- wilreichert
Milestone 3.0.9
Release 3.0.9
Date: 2018-11-27
Name: “jalapeño popper gold gift”
Bug fixes and updates to the docker image.
- We have added new ACLs allowing access to Git/SCM import (job create, update, delete) without allowing normal GUI or API modifications.
- New: test JAAS login configuration from the commandline.
- Dave Riseley (driseley)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Petr (petrkle)
- Stefan Kirrmann (kirrmann)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- miguelantonio
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- aparedero
- driseley
- gjvc
- gschueler
- gtsteffaniak
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- kirrmann
- ltamaster
- miguelantonio
- mlamutt
- pchevallereau
- petrkle
- plambert
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- wilreichert
Milestone 3.0.9
Release 3.0.8
Date: 2018-10-29
Name: “jalapeño popper fuchsia flash”
Primarily bug fixes.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- David Riseley
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- gargrag
- gudeyang1
- miguelantonio
- root (invalid-email-address)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- akusei
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- docbyte86
- driseley
- drrb
- elijah-ward
- gargrag
- gschueler
- gudeyang1
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- miguelantonio
- sjrd218
- sumpfgottheit
Milestone 3.0.8
Release 3.0.7
Date: 2018-10-08
Name: “jalapeño popper deepskyblue flag”
Primarily bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- Daryes
- cwaltherf
- damageboy
- gschueler
- jplassnibatt
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- tboh002
Milestone 3.0.7
Release 3.0.6
Date: 2018-09-17
Name: “jalapeño popper deeppink cutlery”
This release contains bug fixes, including some UI changes to improve the sidebar behavior, and one enhancement to allow admins to list the User summary information.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- Antoine-Auffret
- Daryes
- ahonor
- damageboy
- docbyte86
- gaetanquentin
- gschueler
- jessemarple
- jtobard
- mazzella-c
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.6
Release 3.0.5
Date: 2018-08-28
Name: “jalapeño popper coral camera”
This rescue release addresses shadowed imports due to import optimization.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 3.0.5
Release 3.0.4
Date: 2018-08-27
Name: “jalapeño popper chartreuse bullhorn”
Bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Romain Leon (PeekLeon)
Bug Reporters
- Antoine-Auffret
- Ehoudry
- PeekLeon
- gjvc
- gschueler
- jtobard
Milestone 3.0.4
Release 3.0.3
Date: 2018-08-24
Name: “jalapeño popper burlywood briefcase”
This release contains:
- bug fixes
- some UI updates
- updated plugin: Ansible 2.5.0
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Romain LEON (PeekLeon)
Bug Reporters
- Ehoudry
- PeekLeon
- ProTip
- gschueler
- imad-almansi
- jessemarple
- ltamaster
- marcoc610
- timhughes
Milestone 3.0.3
Release 3.0.2
Date: 2018-08-17
Name: “jalapeño popper brown book”
Bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- Ehoudry
- PeekLeon
- camAtGitHub
- comtaler
- gaetanquentin
- gschueler
- gufertum
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- moreiramarti
- nixmomo
Milestone 3.0.2
Release 3.0.1
Date: 2018-08-03
Name: “jalapeño popper blue bell”
Bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- ProTip
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- harold-s
- pchevallereau
- sjrd218
Milestone 3.0.1
Release 3.0.0
Date: 2018-07-27
Name: “jalapeño popper aquamarine apple”
Welcome to Rundeck 3.0, which consists of both under-the-hood changes (upgrading the underlying application framework) and visual changes (a revamped UI).
The application framework upgrade from Grails 2 to Grails 3 gets a lot of technical debt off of our plate, and enables some long-asked-for features, such as SSO.
Our new UI is just the first step on a path towards improved usability and flexibility, and we have big plans for more in the future.
Changes in open-source Rundeck (aka “Rundeck Core”) also carry over into Rundeck Pro.
We are also synchronizing our Rundeck Pro and Rundeck Core release versions to make it simpler. However, not every release of Rundeck Pro will go in our “supported” channel. We will continue to work on the 3.0.x development line of Rundeck Core, leading towards a supported Rundeck Pro 3.0 release to come later. If you are interested in trying Rundeck Pro 3.0, please visit Rundeck Pro.
Documentation is available at
Our documentation project is ongoing, and we want your feedback: corrections, comments, and contributions. Please let us know how we can improve it:
New “Jalapeño Popper” UI
The new 3.0 UI is an aesthetic update with an eye towards what comes next. Based on a new Rundeck UI Style Guide, the entire application has been reviewed and updated with more consistent interfaces that make it easier to use, enable easier enhancements and modifications, and improve cross-browser compatibility.
We are still working on this: please give us feedback!
Executable war
The “launcher jar” for Rundeck 2 is gone (long live the launcher jar). However the .war file now operates the same way. Just use the .war in the same way as the previous launcher jar, or deploy it as a webapp.
Official Docker Image
Still “incubating”, we have published an offical docker image. Please give us your feedback on this development effort.
We no longer rely on “container-based” security/authentication (i.e. web.xml auth constraints, coupled with Jetty/Tomcat authentication setup.) We now use “Spring Security” for Grails, which moves the authentication checks into Rundeck itself. This enables SSO, Oauth, and other types of authentication which was difficult/impossible to implement before.
The default JAAS authentication method still works, so existing JAAS based configuration should operate as expected.
Pre-authentication modes should work as they did before.
SSO Integration
Okta integration is included in Rundeck Pro. See Rundeck SSO
A lot of work went into the Grails 3 upgrade, many thanks especially to:
- Alberto Hormazabal
- Stephen Joyner
Known Issues and Limitations
Startup error about log4j
If you update and get an error about Log4j configuration, add a line to your rundeck-config file: rundeck.log4j.config.file=/.../server/config/
and specify the correct path to a file.
Customizing web.xml is no longer possible
The web.xml
file is no longer available. If you were modifying this after install before, let us know how/for what reason. (Typically modifying session timeout or auth constraints). Also, please see Authentication Changes section.
Note that the required role customization is no longer necessary
Must define JDBC driver class name
If using Mysql/other DBs which require a JDBC driver, be sure to specify it explicitly in the rundeck-config file, e.g. dataSource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Oracle and other relational DB Support
Support for Oracle is still considered experimental. We have confirmed that it works with oracle 12c and 11g, however we would like your feedback.
For the most part, Rundeck 3.0 is drop-in compatible with existing Rundeck 2.11 installations.
We recommend doing a fresh install of 3.0.0 and copying your Jobs/projects into it for testing.
If you are upgrading in-place, Be sure to backup import data/configs before upgrading.
If you are using the rundeck Launcher jar, replace it with the .war
artifact, which can be renamed with a .jar
extension if needed.
See the Known Issues and Limitations notes above.
Additional Enhancements since Rundeck 2.11:
- Limit multiple executions of a job
- Encrypt passwords stored in configuration files
- API additions: Retry a job based on previous execution, access metrics information
- Alberto Hormazabal (ahormazabal)
- Davy Gabard (Kaldor37)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jijo Varghese
- Jocelyn Thode
- Joseph Price (PriceChild)
- OmriShiv
- ProTip
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- scollector65
Bug Reporters
- Kaldor37
- Nomekrax
- PriceChild
- ahonor
- ahormazabal
- cwaltherf
- diranged
- gschueler
- jijojv
- jquick
- jtobard
- kino71
- ls-initiatives
- ltamaster
- reno-oner
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- turlubullu
- wcliff
Milestone 3.0.0
Release 2.11.5
Date: 2018-07-06
Name: “cappuccino seagreen tower”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug fixes.
This release addresses the error ORA-01795 in menu/home
when using Oracle Database with over 1000 projects.
Bug Reporters
- isuftin
- jtobard
- sebastianbello
Milestone 2.11.5
Release 2.11.4
Date: 2018-06-07
Name: “cappuccino saddlebrown pushpin”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug and security fixes.
This release addresses a potential security issue in processing of zip files, please see the this issue: Security Advisory: Zip Slip directory traversal vulnerability #3471.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 2.11.4
Release 2.11.3
Date: 2018-05-11
Name: “cappuccino royalblue plane”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Martin (martinbydefault)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Romain LEON (PeekLeon)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
Bug Reporters
- martinbydefault
- jtobard
- PeekLeon
- ltamaster
Milestone 2.11.3
Release 2.11.2
Date: 2018-05-10
Name: “cappuccino purple phone”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug fixes and one API addition (retry job from execution and failed nodes).
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Romain LEON (PeekLeon)
Bug Reporters
- PeekLeon
- gschueler
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- ouyangxudu
- vinillum
Milestone 2.11.2
Release 2.11.1
Date: 2018-05-04
Name: “cappuccino orangered paperclip”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug fixes, improvements to Internationalization and French translation.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Romain LEON (PeekLeon)
- Hristo Malinov (hmalinov)
Bug Reporters
- PeekLeon
- jtobard
- PeekLeon
- gtudan
- PeekLeon
- jplassnibatt
- Daisukiookami
- sebastianbello
- DiegoQueiroz
- ecarrascos
- emiliohh
- hmalinov
- dandunckelman
Milestone 2.11.1
Release 2.11.0
Date: 2018-04-27
Name: “cappuccino olive music”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
New Features:
- SCM/Git plugin:
- works in Cluster mode
- improvements to jobs page load speed
- can disable SCM status checks in the GUI
- Projects:
- Set a Label to display instead of the name
- new default: projectsStorageType defaults to
(see below)
- Job reference steps:
- Can reference jobs via UUID as well as group/name, so you can rename jobs #3115
- Deleting a job will check if any steps reference the job and warn you
- Automatically pass job options to the job reference #3056
- Notifications for referenced jobs are triggered
- Statistics (success/duration) of referenced jobs are updated
- Timeout for referenced jobs is enforced
- Choose behavior if the referenced job is disabled: fail or pass
- (see #3040)
- Job Options:
- Set a Label to display instead of the name
- Multivalue option delimiter is available in data context as
- Plugins: admins can disable/enable plugins for a project in the GUI or via project config #3122
- Job Node Threadcount: can use an option value
- Job Notification:
- Can send a notification if the job duration exceeds an absolute time, or relative to the job’s average #3087
- Separate notifications for failure vs. retryable failure (i.e.) #2864
- Job Definition visibility ACL:
- A new ACL access level
is a subset of the read
access level for jobs, and does not allow users to view the “Definition” tab of a Job, or download the XML/YAML definitions.
- Plugin development:
- dynamic list of Select value inputs for Java plugins
- Documentation for LogFilter and ContentConverter plugins added
- Groovy Plugin DSL added for LogFilter and ContentConverter plugins
- Execution View:
- Can link or redirect to the Log Output tab for Executions
- Internationalization:
- Improvements, and French translation added by PeekLeon! 👏👏 🇫🇷
- API:
- Added endpoints for writeable Resource Model Sources (such as built in File plugin)
- List project sources, retrieve node definitions from each source
- Writeable sources allow updating node data via API
Bug fixes:
Potentially breaking changes:
RPM spec:
The rundeck
user/group is now created within system UID ranges #3195.
ACLs: Edit Project Configuration/Nodes GUI access level requirements changed:
Previously: GUI actions “Project > Edit Configuration” and “Project > Edit Nodes” required admin
project access. Now: only configure
level access is required.
NOTE: API behavior was always this way, so this change simply aligns the access requirements.
Potential security implications:
- users/roles granted
access to a project will now be able to modify Project Nodes or Configuration via the GUI
- the same users/roles would already have this access if using the API
See: #3084
ACLs: Job Definition visibility
A new ACL access level view
is a subset of the read
access level for jobs, and does not allow users to view the “Definition” tab of a Job, or download the XML/YAML definitions.
ACLs which allow read
to Jobs, will work as before. To disallow Job Definition viewing/downloading, you should change your ACLs to only allow view
Project Storage Type is now db
by default:
If you want to continue using filesystem storage for project config/readme/motd files, you will need to set this in your
before upgrading:
Upgrading an existing filesystem
configuration to db
is automatic, and project configs/readme/motd will be loaded into DB storage at system startup.
To encrypt the DB storage, you will need to enable encryption for the “Project Configuration” storage layer.
- Antoine-Auffret
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- RNavarro (ronave)
- Romain LEON (PeekLeon)
- Steven Grimm
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- jbguerraz
- jtobard
- mickymiek
Bug Reporters
- MustaphaB1
- PeekLeon
- TomGudman
- aaronmaxlevy
- ahonor
- carlosrfranco
- csgyuricza
- dbeckham
- dirkniblick
- emiliohh
- giovanimarin
- gschueler
- jbguerraz
- johnpaularthur
- joshuaspence
- jtobard
- komodo472
- ltamaster
- makered
- mathieuchateau
- pawadski
- robinwolny
- ronave
- sebastianbello
Milestone 2.11.0
Release 2.10.8
Date: 2018-03-23
Name: “cafe mocha dodgerblue bell”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug Fixes:
- Fix an issue causing Vault key storage plugin to not work
- Fix issue with cluster mode using MSSQL or Oracle DB field types. Note: If using those DBs see #3125
- SCM git plugin enhancements #3192:
- Import can delete jobs which were removed from git
- API updated to include synch status for jobs
- API updated to allow specifying list of jobs to delete during import action
Other changes:
- Ansible plugin upgraded to version 2.3.0
- API version → 22
- Antoine-Auffret
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
Bug Reporters
- Antoine-Auffret
- gschueler
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- komodo472
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
Milestone 2.10.8
Release 2.10.7
Date: 2018-03-05
Name: “cafe mocha crimson sunglasses”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Some bugfixes, and some improvements to Git SCM plugin:
- Export: Option to Synchronize automatically during fetch (default: false)
- Import: Option to Pull automatically when fetching (default: true)
- new Clean button in the GUI: allows removing local git repo
- Import: automatic Tracking init during Setup, if you use a regular expression
- API improvement: does not require a second step after setup to initialize Git Import
- Export: Push Remotely is checked by default when making commits
- (see full details #PR3152)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Rene Fragoso (ctrlrsf)
Bug Reporters
- SpencerMalone
- ctrlrsf
- gentunian
- jtobard
Milestone 2.10.7
Release 2.10.6
Date: 2018-02-02
Name: “cafe mocha cornflowerblue grain”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bugfix release with one enhancement.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 2.10.6
Release 2.10.5
Date: 2018-01-26
Name: “cafe mocha chocolate piggy bank”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This is a bugfix release.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 2.10.5
Release 2.10.4
Date: 2018-01-18
Name: “cafe mocha cadetblue lamp”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This is a bug fix release.
Note: If you use MSSQL database, see the comments on this issue PR3080.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- ikogan
- jtobard
- michaelm02
Milestone 2.10.4
Release 2.10.3
Date: 2018-01-17
Name: “cafe mocha blueviolet apple”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This is a bug fix release.
- Alberto Hormazabal Cespedes (ahormazabal)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jocelyn Thode
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
Bug Reporters
- alonalmog82
- gschueler
- houtmanj
- jocelynthode
- lusis
- sebastianbello
Milestone 2.10.3
Release 2.10.2
Date: 2017-12-18
Name: “cafe mocha violet tent”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This is a bug fix release.
- Adam Brett (adambrett)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- OmriShiv
- jtobard
- scollector65
Bug Reporters
- OmriShiv
- adambrett
- bzlowrance
- gschueler
- jtobard
- rasebo
- scollector65
- sebastianbello
Milestone 2.10.2
Release 2.10.1
Date: 2017-11-20
Name: “cafe mocha tomato knight”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Primarily Bug fixes.
- New: Global Variable step plugin: copy captured data values into a global context in any variable group. E.g. data from a node step to use it in a non-node-step.
- Within a job, copy data to the
group, to have it available in later steps if the job is included as a Job Reference.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Michihito Shigemura (shigemk2)
- jtobard
- morihaya
Bug Reporters
- JustRiedy
- Morihaya
- gschueler
- jtobard
- leonboot
- ltamaster
- pchevallereau
- shigemk2
- vinillum
Milestone 2.10.1
Release 2.10.0
Date: 2017-10-16
Name: “cafe mocha teal glass”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
New features:
- GUI editable Resource Model source plugins. Allows the xml/yaml/json resource data to be edited in the GUI.
- The built-in File model source can be marked as “writeable”, allowing admins to edit the resources file in the GUI
- GUI editable ACLs. Modify the aclpolicy yaml files in the GUI and see validation info.
- Jobs can define Notifications in the event of Average Duration Exceeded
- API updated to allow user profile modifications
- Job Filters can specify whether a job is scheduled
- Key Value Data capture Log Filter can capture a value and specify a hardcoded name for the variable
Plus: bug fixes, documentation typo fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Michihito Shigemura (shigemk2)
- damageboy
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- gschueler
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- ronave
- shigemk2
Milestone 2.10.0
Release 2.9.4
Date: 2017-10-13
Name: “caffe latte hotpink briefcase”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bugfix release.
Previous changes in 2.9.0: Relese 2.9.0
For more detail see 2.9.0 Changes
Many Thanks to Michihito Shigemura for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of our documentation by diligently fixing numerous typos!
- Bob van Bokkem (BobVanB)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Krzysztof Walkowicz (krzwalko)
- Michihito Shigemura (shigemk2)
- damageboy
- jtobard
- tomcs (braintreeps)
Bug Reporters
- BobVanB
- crile
- damageboy
- genoaction
- geraldh
- gschueler
- hugospinto
- jtobard
- krzwalko
- methom90wh
- niphlod
- sebastianbello
- shigemk2
- tcsalameh
Milestone 2.9.4
Release 2.9.3
Date: 2017-08-25
Name: “caffe latte goldenrod book”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bugfix release.
Previous changes in 2.9.0: Relese 2.9.0
For more detail see 2.9.0 Changes
Stay tuned! We are also adding many new features to Rundeck Pro.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- jtobard
- 黑牛 (chenlingmin)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- chenlingmin
- emiliohh
- giovanimarin
- jtobard
- ltamaster
Milestone 2.9.3
Release 2.9.2
Date: 2017-08-07
Name: “caffe latte fuchsia bell”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bugfix release.
Previous changes in 2.9.0: Relese 2.9.0
For more detail see 2.9.0 Changes
Stay tuned! We are also adding many new features to Rundeck Pro.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 2.9.2
Release 2.9.1
Date: 2017-08-04
Name: “caffe latte forestgreen sunglasses”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bugfix release.
Previous changes in 2.9.0: Relese 2.9.0
For more detail see 2.9.0 Changes
Stay tuned! We are also adding many new features to Rundeck Pro.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- gschueler
- ltamaster
- qicaihuoyan
- uprooted
Milestone 2.9.1
Release 2.9.0
Date: 2017-08-03
Name: “caffe latte firebrick grain”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This release contains a number of enhancements:
For more detail see 2.9.0 Changes
- Data Capture/Data Passing between steps
- Data capture plugin to match a regular expression in a step’s log output and pass the values to later steps
- Log Filter Plugins
- These plugins can be applied to individual steps, or to the entire workflow
- Data type plugins can detect or mark formatted data such as JSON, CSV, HTML, Markdown, etc. and render it in the GUI
- Mask Passwords plugin removes any values from secure input options before it is logged
- Highlighting/quelling: highlight keywords or selectively quell output from verbose scripts
- (And of course, you can write your own plugins…)
- New Job and Project features:
- Export a project to another Rundeck instance
- Copy a Job to another Project
- Reference a Job in another Project
- Check state of a job in another project
- Disable Job Schedules or all Executions for a project
- Improved Time Zone support
- Allow matching 0 nodes as success condition
- Retry delay
- GUI changes
- Rearranged the Project and System configuration pages and navigation
- Job workflow editor enhancements
Stay tuned! We are also adding many new features to Rundeck Pro.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Marcel Dorenkamp (mdorenkamp)
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- damageboy
- daveres
- gschueler
- hiribarne
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- mdorenkamp
- mrala
- pgressa
- roller
Milestone 2.9.0
Release 2.8.4
Date: 2017-07-12
Name: “cafe cubano purple gift”
Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This release is primarily bug fixes.
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- René Kroon
Bug Reporters
- JustRiedy
- ReneKroon
- simple365
Milestone 2.8.4
Release 2.8.3
Date: 2017-06-30
Name: “cafe cubano orangered flash”
Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This release is primarily bug fixes.
Some other changes:
- If a step has an Error Handler that is marked as “keepgoing on success”, then Error level log output from the step is changed to Normal level
- Executions that were running when the Rundeck server was shutdown will be set to “Incomplete” when the server restarts.
- Some internal library versions were upgraded
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Loïc Blot (nerzhul)
- Sean Reifschneider (linsomniac)
- jtobard
- ltamaster
Bug Reporters
- arthurlogilab
- cr42
- flapp
- gschueler
- jtobard
- kmusard
- linsomniac
- ltamaster
- matthewsrogers
- nerzhul
- ronave
- schast
- shoelzle
- soar
- tomdeblende
- uralk
- willemdh
- zionio
Milestone 2.8.3
Release 2.8.2
Date: 2017-04-19
Name: “cafe cubano olive flag”
Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Bug fixes and a few slight enhancements.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- jtobard
- jtobard
- al-heisner
- jquick
- ahonor
Milestone 2.8.2
Release 2.8.1
Date: 2017-04-17
Name: “cafe cubano navy cutlery”
Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
Upgrading from Earlier versions
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jordan Jethwa (jjethwa)
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- gschueler
- jjethwa
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- schast
- sebastianopilla
Milestone 2.8.1
Release 2.8.0
Date: 2017-04-10
Name: “cafe cubano midnightblue camera”
Upgrading from Earlier versions
Import Changes:
New Features:
- Jobs Options now have a File input type.
- Uploaded files are stored temporarily on the server while the execution runs
- API support
- API Token Roles
- Job editor autocomplete supports global variables
- Project configuration for displaying Readme/Motd on Projects List or Project Home page
- Project configuration for collapsing/expanding Job groups by default
- Project Archive Export: User can select what to include in the archive
- New Step Plugin: Refresh nodes. Causes Rundeck to refresh the nodes list for the project, so that subsequent Job Reference steps can use any new nodes.
- File Copy Plugin: Recursive and wildcard file copy
- Job Options: Multivalue options can be selected by default
- Job Options: Remote Option values can specify default selections
Other changes:
- Error calling Job Run API for a scheduled Job
- Dan Dunckel (dandunckelman)
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Philippe Muller (pmuller)
- gitpmside (mathieuchateau)
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- bzlowrance
- dandunckelman
- djalai
- gschueler
- hlerebours
- jtobard
- mathieuchateau
- pkr1234
- pmuller
- rophy
Milestone 2.8.0
Release 2.7.3
Date: 2017-03-10
Name: “cafecito tomato paperclip”
Upgrading from 2.6
This is primarily a bugfix release, with a bonus enhancement.
- Fixed some plugin loader problems which were causing bugs with the Jasypt encryption for key storage, and Git SCM plugins
- Added autocomplete support to the Job Workflow editor text fields and text areas.
- Albert Casademont (acasademont)
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- ChiefAlexander
- acasademont
- daikirinet
- gschueler
- isuftin
- schans
- seunaw
- willemdh
Milestone 2.7.3
Release 2.7.2
Date: 2017-02-02
Name: “cafecito teal music”
Upgrading from 2.6
This is a bugfix release.
- Andrei Burd (burdandrei)
- Ben P (benwtr)
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jamie L. Penman-Smithson (jamieps)
- Johannes Graf (grafjo)
- Jordan Jethwa (jjethwa)
- Philippe Muller
- jtobard
Bug Reporters
- BobVanB
- RockTheJib
- ahonor
- benwtr
- burdandrei
- cbocs-rreed
- clauded
- daugustus
- grafjo
- gschueler
- hjdr4
- jjethwa
- lancepowell
- pmuller
- richiereynolds
- rooty0
- rophy
Milestone 2.7.2
Release 2.7.1
Date: 2016-12-02
Name: “cafecito steelblue leaf”
Upgrading from 2.6
This is a bugfix release.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Milestone 2.7.1
Release 2.7.0
Date: 2016-11-30
Name: “cafecito slateblue headphones”
Upgrading from 2.6
New Features
- Date input type for Job Options
- Job reference node interesect
- Old CLI tools removed. You can separately install rd to replace them.
- Jetty upgraded
- Filter activity by Node
- Override node filter at job execution time
- Andres Montalban (amontalban)
- David Schile
- Fabrice Bacchella
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jamie L. Penman-Smithson (jamieps)
- Pavol Gressa (pgressa)
- Rene Fragoso (ctrlrsf)
- ltamaster
Bug Reporters
- adrianshum
- ahonor
- bajacondor
- ctrlrsf
- grafjo
- gschueler
- jasonhensler
- jbguerraz
- jquick
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- mathieuchateau
- pgressa
- williamh
Milestone 2.7.0
Release 2.6.11
Date: 2016-11-15
Name: “cafe bonbon magenta knight”
This release is primarily to fix an upgrade issue for 2.6.9 and earlier.
Refer to the 2.6.10 release notes for more changes since 2.6.9.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Release 2.6.10
Date: 2016-11-10
Name: “cafe bonbon limegreen glass”
Notable Enhancements:
- Run Job Later feature: schedule a one-time Job execution
- Git SCM Plugins: ability to import jobs from a repo and “archive” the original UUID. Allows sharing a repo among multiple “non-production” projects within the same Rundeck server, and still maintain static UUIDs for the production project.
- Plugin localization and custom icons
- New Project home page
- Project ACLs shown in Access Control page in configuration section
- Custom navbar color configuration
Bug Fixes:
- Potential XSS fixed in Activity page
- Pagination fixed on Activity page
- Git plugin: importing from a git repo, and later changing to a different repo would cause an error
Other Changes:
- Job options are now always shown in the defined order
- Globals can be used in remote option value URLs
And more…
- Andres Montalban (amontalban)
- Fabrice Bacchella
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jamie L. Penman-Smithson (jamieps)
- Jeff Runningen
- Stian Mathiassen
- Sumesh P (sumeshpremraj)
Bug Reporters
- Mapel88
- ahonor
- ajxb
- amontalban
- cstewart87
- dabest1
- egeland
- fbacchella
- gschueler
- jamieps
- jrunningen
- katanafleet
- kureus
- ltamaster
- penekk
- pfweberp
- puremourning
- rophy
- s-tokutake
- scaissie
- sebw
- smat
- ssbarnea
- sumeshpremraj
- willemdh
Release 2.6.9
Date: 2016-08-03
Name: “cafe bonbon indigo tower”
Notable Enhancements:
- Job execution will show more info about the step context in the Monitor/Summary tab (see #1926)
- User Profile page: can select Spanish language manually
- Job Option editor GUI: order options via drag and drop
- Extended job description can be rendered as a Runbook tab (see #1904)
- Some support for Oauth/preauth roles via a proxy (see #1883)
Bug Fixes:
- dynamic refresh for cascading remote option values
- A number of SCM/git plugin fixes
- Plugin jar loading issues
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Dave Brothers (eidolonic)
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- John Stoltenborg (tlots)
- Miguel A. Fuentes Buchholtz (miguelantonio)
- Parth Soni (parth-kloudscript)
- Seth Klein (kindlyseth)
- variacode95
Bug Reporters
- ARentz07
- ajrnz
- andysteady
- eblikstad
- eidolonic
- gschueler
- jtobard
- katanafleet
- kgeis
- kincl
- ltamaster
- miguelantonio
- niphlod
- papagr
- pdev77b
- philippevidal80
- richiereynolds
- rophy
- schast
- tlots
Release 2.6.8
Date: 2016-06-10
Name: “cafe bonbon hotpink pushpin”
Fixed bugs and an enhancement:
- Framework and project global variables. Use
or project.globals.X=Y
in you configuration to expose ${globals.X}
to jobs/executions.
- Alberto Hormazabal (ahormazabal)
- Diomidis Spinellis (dspinellis)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- shigemk2
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- ddzed15
- dspinellis
- gschueler
- katanafleet
- makered
- remixtj
- richiereynolds
- royjenkins
- shigemk2
Release 2.6.7
Date: 2016-04-29
Name: “cafe bonbon goldenrod plane”
Bug fixes.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- sebastianopilla
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- ajxb
- alexey-pankratyev
- amitk75
- david-richer-adsk
- gschueler
- jyaworski
- kmusard
- ltamaster
- sebastianopilla
Release 2.6.6
Date: 2016-04-15
Name: “cafe bonbon fuchsia phone”
(Release 2.6.5 was missing some changes noted here, so 2.6.6 includes those changes. 2.6.5 release notes are repeated here.)
Primarily bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Startup time improved for Rundeck installs with many (thousands) of projects
- Fixes for node sources and asynchronous node loading
- new healthcheck for database latency
- Bharadwaj P (t20)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- david-gregory-inmar
- fiquett
- gschueler
- hyuan-esol
- jippi
- joshuaspence
- ltamaster
- nilroy
- t20
Release 2.6.5
Date: 2016-04-15
Name: “cafe bonbon forestgreen paperclip”
Primarily bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Startup time improved for Rundeck installs with many (thousands) of projects
- Fixes for node sources and asynchronous node loading
- new healthcheck for database latency
- Bharadwaj P (t20)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- david-gregory-inmar
- fiquett
- gschueler
- hyuan-esol
- jippi
- joshuaspence
- ltamaster
- nilroy
- t20
Release 2.6.4
Date: 2016-03-04
Name: “cafe bonbon firebrick music”
Bug fixes.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- gschueler
- richiereynolds
- schast
- tkald
- wufpack00
Release 2.6.3
Date: 2016-02-25
Name: “cafe bonbon dodgerblue leaf”
Primarily bug fixes, and some enhancements:
- Asynchronous nodes cache. Per-project and global toggle and configurable retention delay. By default, projects now use an asynchronous method for retrieving Node data from Resource Model Sources. You should see an improvement in page load when using slow model sources (such as a URL for a slow endpoint).
- Performance improvements with many thousands of Nodes. The Nodes and Commands page, as well as other places where Nodes are loaded (e.g. Job editor) now should be much more responsive when you have e.g. 20K nodes. The Nodes page now uses result paging, and some parts of the UI now truncate the result set as well if you have many nodes.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Bryon Williams
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo
- Miguel A. Fuentes Buchholtz (miguelantonio)
- Rophy Tsai (rophy)
- mathieuchateau
Bug Reporters
- Alicia-Solinea
- SydOps
- ahonor
- ajxb
- arminioa
- bryonwilliams
- gschueler
- kamaradclimber
- kmusard
- ltamaster
- makered
- mathieuchateau
- obrienmorgan
- rasebo
- richiereynolds
- robizz
- rophy
- schast
- snebel29
- ssbarnea
Release 2.6.2
Date: 2015-12-02
Name: “cafe bonbon crimson headphones”
This release includes bug fixes, and some enhancements.
- Secure Job Options can now use Key Storage for defaults, enabling use via scheduled jobs
- Quartz thread pool info and warnings added to system info
- API added for SCM plugins, API version updated to v15
- Plugins: input property definitions can now be placed in groups, which can be shown collapsed by default
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- gschueler
- sea-lmarchal
- stack72
Release 2.6.1
Date: 2015-10-23
Name: “cafe bonbon cornflowerblue globe”
Bugfixes for SCM plugins, and the Job execution/schedule toggle feature.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Miguel A. Fuentes Buchholtz (miguelantonio)
- robertopaez
Bug Reporters
- LordMike
- albertmfb
- dustinak
- fseiftsmlb
- gschueler
- jyaworski
- katanafleet
- miguelantonio
- mprasil
- oovoo
- paulpet
- rophy
- tomkregenbild
Release 2.6.0
Date: 2015-10-08
Name: “cafe bonbon chocolate gift”
New Features
- SCM Plugin with Git implementation (preliminary release)
- Per-job logging limits, such as max line count or file size, see Jobs - Log Limit
- Active/passive execution mode: disable all executions on the server
- Per-Job schedule and execution toggling: disable scheduled or all executions for a single job
- UI updates to Nodes and Commands pages
- Project Archives: includes ACLs and project config
- Per-project ACLs available via API, storable in DB
- Filesystem ACLs are now used for “global” level access control
- Project ACLs are limited to manage the specific project, and are stored in the DB
- ACL validation improvements
- see the
tool validate command
- Invalid filesystem ACLs are logged in the service log
- Invalid project ACLs uploaded via API will be rejected
- Example Orchestrator plugins now bundled
- JSON support added for all API endpoints
- Some API refactoring for v14
- See API v14
- Jobs can now disable automatic node selection by default
- Phew
Upgrading from 2.5 should not cause any issues. Some new database fields were added, and a new database table was added.
Some changes to Job serialization formats:
- The project name is no longer included in exported Job definitions.
- In YAML: options are now always serialized as a sequence, and will preserve the sequence order on input. The original Map format is still allowed on import.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Francois Travais
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Mathieu Chateau (mathieuchateau)
- Miguel Fuentes (miguelantonio)
- Roberto Paez (robertopaez)
- William Jimenez (wjimenez5271)
- maciejs
Bug Reporters
- adamhamner
- ahonor
- chadlnc
- ctgaff
- ddzed15
- francois-travais
- gschueler
- hipslu
- ko-christ
- maciejs
- mathieuchateau
- miguelantonio
- snebel29
- sylvainr
- wjimenez5271
Release 2.5.3
Date: 2015-08-12
Name: “cafe au lait slateblue book”
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- ddzed15
- gschueler
- runnnt0
- tomkregenbild
Release 2.5.2
Date: 2015-07-07
Name: “cafe au lait sienna bell”
- Improved performance on Execution follow page with many nodes (1000+).
- Bug fixes
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Noah Lorang (noahhl)
Bug Reporters
- andham
- blysik
- corecache
- ctgaff
- fanie-riekert
- gschueler
- jacekkow
- jeffearl
- mathieuchateau
- mgsococo
- noahhl
- richiereynolds
- stack72
- touzoku
Release 2.5.1
Date: 2015-05-15
Name: “cafe au lait seagreen sunglasses”
This release has primarily bugfixes.
- CLI tools can authenticate to the server using environment variables instead of the credentials stored in the file.
Upgrading to 2.5
Note: We’ve attempted to maintain compatibility with previous plugins, but due to changes in the core library, Rundeck may have issues loading or running some plugins.
Please report issues found to Github issues.
See the Upgrading Guide
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- Zophar78
- andham
- arthurlogilab
- ctgaff
- danifr
- dspinellis
- gschueler
- harlanbarnes
- hbakkum
- jasonaughton
- michlaustn
- mikeleigh
- rveznaver
- schast
- snebel29
- tiahino
- wcooley
Release 2.5.0
Date: 2015-04-15
Name: “cafe au lait saddlebrown grain”
This release has many new features and bugfixes, and contains some refactoring under the hood.
New Features
- Upgraded grails framework, which adds support for Java 8 (and removes Java 6)
- Can now store Project definition and configuration in the database (optional), see Project Definitions and information in the Upgrade Guide.
- Improved GUI for administering a project: modify Project configuration file contents, and contents. Project archiving is also now performed asynchronously.
- New Jasypt encryption plugin can be used for Key Storage and Project Configuration, see Jasypt Encryption Converter Plugin
- Support Key Storage password for SSH sudo and SSH private key passphrase
- New workflow step plugin: Assert state of another Job, optionally halt workflow with custom status string
- New
commandline tool can list test and generate .aclpolicy file contents, see rd-acl
- New Orchestrator plugin point. Orchestrators can be used to batch and sequence the matched nodes used in node dispatching, e.g.: only allow a certain % to run simultaneously.
- Added hybrid LDAP + properties file group authentication for JAAS (
Note: We’ve attempted to maintain compatibility with previous plugins, but due to changes in the core library, Rundeck may have issues loading or running some plugins.
Please report issues found to Github issues.
See the Upgrading Guide
- Andreas Knifh
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Mark Bidewell (mbidewell)
- Mayank Asthana (mayankasthana)
- Puru Tuladhar (tuladhar)
- Thomas Mueller (vinzent)
- Yagi (yagince)
- ashley-taylor
- new23d
Bug Reporters
- MartinMulder
- MartyNeal
- Zophar78
- adamhamner
- ahonor
- ashley-taylor
- brismuth
- danifr
- dbeckham
- ffk23
- gschueler
- hirsts
- hjdr4
- knifhen
- mayankasthana
- mbidewell
- mgherman
- mikagika
- new23d
- reigner-yrastorza
- travisgroth
- tuladhar
- vinzent
- yagince
Release 2.4.1
Date: 2015-01-30
Name: “americano limegreen bullhorn”
This release has bug fixes.
Compatibility notes
See the release notes for v2.4.0
- ETAI Opérations
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Mark Bidewell (mbidewell)
Bug Reporters
- Farzy
- bdmorin
- gschueler
- jedblack
- mbidewell
- mezbiderli
- mgsococo
- mika
- richiereynolds
- russellballestrini
- smithtimamy
Release 2.4.0
Date: 2014-12-16
Name: “americano indigo briefcase”
This release has bug fixes and new features, including some GUI improvements.
New Features
- Job references can override Node Filters. See updates to XML and YAML job definition formats as well.
- Job and Option descriptions can contain markdown and HTML. For Jobs, the first line is the short description, and following lines are interpreted as markdown.
- MSSQL compatibility
- Some GUI tweaks and changes
- A new Action menu is available next to the Job name in job listing and view pages. Actions include Edit, Duplicate, Delete, and download XML/YAML definitions.
- The Delete Job link in the Job Edit page has been removed
- The Job Edit link in job lists has been replaced with an Action menu
- Hovering on job name in job lists now triggers the detail popup after a slight delay. Previously it was triggered by hovering on the Edit link.
- Execution follow page layout has been rearranged
- Added extended Job descriptions (sanitized Markdown/html)
- Job Edit/Create page: you are now asked to confirm navigation away from the page if you have made changes to the Job
Incubator features
- Parallel step execution
- ssh-agent forwarding for ssh connections
this can be enabled per node, project, or server
framework.local.ttl-ssh-agent=<time in sec>
project.local.ttl-ssh-agent=<time in sec>
Node properties:
local-ttl-ssh-agent=<time in sec>
Compatibility notes
A bug in API v11 XML responses caused them to sometimes be incorrectly wrapped in a <result>
element, this has now been corrected. See the API Docs for information. The Rundeck API Java Client library has been updated to workaround this issue (for previous versions of Rundeck).
What is “americano indigo briefcase”?
New versions of Rundeck will have a name based on the version number. The 2.x theme is Coffee, and 2.4.x is “americano”. The point release defines a combination of color and icon we can display in the GUI for easier visual differentiation. 2.4.0 is “indigo briefcase”.
Why yes, I’d like an americano, thank you.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jason (jasonhensler)
- Jonathan Li (onejli)
- Mathieu Payeur Levallois (mathpl)
- Ruslan Lutsenko (lruslan)
- mezbiderli
Bug Reporters
- Whitepatrick
- adamhamner
- ahonor
- danifr
- davealbert
- foundatron
- gmichels
- gschueler
- jasonhensler
- jcmoraisjr
- katanafleet
- lruslan
- mathpl
- mezbiderli
- new23d
- onejli
- ujfjhz
- zarry
Release 2.3.2
Date: 2014-11-06
Fix more regressions in executing remote inline script steps.
See 2.3.0 release notes.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- gschueler
- ko-christ
- mumblez
Release 2.3.1
Date: 2014-10-31
Fix a regression in executing local inline script steps.
See 2.3.0 release notes.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
Release 2.3.0
Date: 2014-10-28
- Improved support for use of Windows, both as a Rundeck server and a remote node.
- Fixed outstanding issues with CLI .bat scripts
- Support powershell scripts by allowing configuration of file extension to be used in workflow script steps. E.g use “.ps1” because powershell will not execute a script that doesn’t end in .ps1.
- Other fixes for issues with script-based plugins and Windows paths.
- Added support for storing Passwords in the Key Storage facility.
The built-in SSH execution and SCP file copy both now support using stored passwords. Note: the Key Storage facility is not encrypted by default, see Key Storage.
- Added a new GUI for uploading Passwords and public/private keys to the Key Storage facility
- Bug fixes
- Disable SSLv3 by default
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- JayKim (c-jason-kim)
Bug Reporters
- aparsons
- c-jason-kim
- csciarri
- dennis-benzinger-hybris
- desaim
- gschueler
- jdmulloy
- jefffiser
- jippi
- lmayorga1980
- pwhack
- stagrlee
Release 2.2.3
Date: 2014-09-24
Fix several issues found in 2.2.2:
Release notes from 2.2.2 follow:
This release fixes a number of bugs and addresses several potential security issues:
- Require a unique token for each form request from the GUI, which prevents replay and CSRF attacks
- Updated all pages to prevent unencoded data from being written to the response, preventing XSS style attacks.
- Prevent access to the /api URLs via the web GUI.
- Some plugins (Resource model, Node Executor and File Copier) now support using Password fields displayed in the Project config page. The field values once set are never revealed in clear text via the GUI.
Please see the Notes below for some configuration information related to these changes.
A big Thank You to one of our clients for sponsoring the work for these enhancements.
Security Notes:
The new form tokens used in all form requests by default will expire in 30 minutes. This means that if your session timeout is larger than 30 minutes and you attempt to e.g. run a job after your web page has been sitting open for longer than that, you will see an “Invalid token” error. If this becomes a problem for you you can either change the expiration time for these tokens, or switch to using non-expiring tokens. See Administration - Configuration File Reference - Security.
To add a Password field definition to your plugin, see Plugin Development - Description Properties. (Note that currently using property annotations is not supported for the three plugin types that can use Password properties.)
Upgrade notes:
See the Upgrading Guide.
- Andreas Knifh (knifhen)
- Daniel Serodio (dserodio)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- adolfocorreia
- ahonor
- arjones85
- danpilch
- dennis-benzinger-hybris
- dserodio
- garyhodgson
- gschueler
- jerome83136
- knifhen
- majkinetor
- rfletcher
- schicky
Release 2.2.2
Date: 2014-09-19
This release fixes a number of bugs and addresses several potential security issues:
- Require a unique token for each form request from the GUI, which prevents replay and CSRF attacks
- Updated all pages to prevent unencoded data from being written to the response, preventing XSS style attacks.
- Prevent access to the /api URLs via the web GUI.
- Some plugins (Resource model, Node Executor and File Copier) now support using Password fields displayed in the Project config page. The field values once set are never revealed in clear text via the GUI.
Please see the Notes below for some configuration information related to these changes.
A big Thank You to one of our clients for sponsoring the work for these enhancements.
Security Notes:
The new form tokens used in all form requests by default will expire in 30 minutes. This means that if your session timeout is larger than 30 minutes and you attempt to e.g. run a job after your web page has been sitting open for longer than that, you will see an “Invalid token” error. If this becomes a problem for you you can either change the expiration time for these tokens, or switch to using non-expiring tokens. See Administration - Configuration File Reference - Security.
To add a Password field definition to your plugin, see Plugin Development - Description Properties. (Note that currently using property annotations is not supported for the three plugin types that can use Password properties.)
Upgrade notes:
See the Upgrading Guide.
- Andreas Knifh (knifhen)
- Daniel Serodio (dserodio)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Bug Reporters
- adolfocorreia
- ahonor
- arjones85
- danpilch
- dennis-benzinger-hybris
- dserodio
- garyhodgson
- gschueler
- jerome83136
- knifhen
- majkinetor
- rfletcher
- schicky
Release 2.2.1
Date: 2014-07-30
Bugfix release.
Upgrade notes:
See the Upgrading Guide.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Release 2.2.0
Date: 2014-07-11
New features:
- Job timeout: specify a maximum duration for a job. If the job execution exceeds this duration, it will be halted (as if killed manually). You can use a simple format like “120m” (120 minutes) or “2h” (2 hours). You can specify the timeout via a job option by setting it to
. This only affects the job when executed directly, not when run as a job reference.
- Job retry: specify a maximum retry attempt for a job. If the job fails or is timed out, it will be retried. The maximum value can be specified via a job option if set to
- Delete executions: delete executions individually or in bulk. Requires a ‘delete_execution’ action allowed via aclpolicy.
Some bug fixes are included, as well as some pull requests to enhance the LDAP login module:
Upgrade notes:
Several domain fields were added. Mysql and H2 should upgrade in place without issue.
- jdmulloy
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- new23d
- Bart van der Schans (schans)
- Andreas Knifh (knifhen)
Release 2.1.3
Date: 2014-06-27
Fix several bugs, including a temporary fix for issue #821: Job references reported as killed
Upgrade notes:
- If you are upgrading from 2.0.1 or earlier, see the notes about schema changes in the previous release notes: 2.0.2 Release Notes.
- See the Upgrading Guide
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Release 2.1.2
Date: 2014-05-23
Bugfix release. Some enhancements:
- ANSI colorized output support
- Updated icons to distinguish command, script and script-file steps
Upgrade notes:
- If you are upgrading from 2.0.1 or earlier, see the notes about schema changes in the previous release notes: 2.0.2 Release Notes.
- See the Upgrading Guide
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Release 2.1.1
Date: 2014-05-01
Bugfix release, with a small feature enhancement.
Upgrade notes:
- If you are upgrading from 2.0.1 or earlier, see the notes about schema changes in the previous release notes: 2.0.2 Release Notes.
- See the Upgrading Guide
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jason R. McNeil (jasonrm)
Release 2.1.0
Date: 2014-04-23
This release enhances the Rundeck API and provides a facility for storing Key files that can be used for SSH.
Upgrade notes:
- If you are upgrading from 2.0.1 or earlier, see the notes about schema changes in the previous release notes: 2.0.2 Release Notes.
- See the Upgrading Guide
- Diomidis Spinellis (dspinellis)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Release 2.0.4
Date: 2014-04-18
This is a bugfix release (see Issues.)
Important Upgrade Note: This bug Issue 661 is caused by the VARCHAR length being too small for a database column. Unfortunately grails won’t automatically update the VARCHAR size when you upgrade.
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
Release 2.0.3
Date: 2014-03-24
This is a bugfix release (see Issues.)
Important Upgrade Note: This bug Issue 661 is caused by the VARCHAR length being too small for a database column. Unfortunately grails won’t automatically update the VARCHAR size when you upgrade.
- David Petzel
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
Release 2.0.2
Date: 2014-03-13
This is a bugfix release.
Important Upgrade Note: This bug Issue 661 is caused by the VARCHAR length being too small for a database column. Unfortunately grails won’t automatically update the VARCHAR size when you upgrade.
- David Wittman
- Greg Schueler
- Alex Honor
Release 2.0.1
Date: 2014-02-11
This is a bugfix release.
- Alex Honor
- Diomidis Spinellis
- Greg Schueler
- Mark LaPerriere
Release 2.0.0
Date: 2014-01-31
Rundeck 2.0.0 introduces a large number of major changes. We have revamped the entire UI and overhauled the underpinnings. Our goals were to improve the user experience and cut down some of the technical debt which had accrued.
Note that the documentation is still being updated. We will update it as it improves at
Before you upgrade to Rundeck 2.0, please be sure to read the Upgrading Guide located in the documentation.
Many thanks to everyone who was able to contribute ideas, feedback, code, time or money in helping us to improve Rundeck.
Notable Changes
- New feature: live execution state view
- Live view of job executions to see what step is running on which node.
- Instantly drill in to view the output for the step and node that failed
- View node metrics and collated output.
- Please give a big thank-you to (an anonymous) “sponsored development client” for funding the work for this feature!
- New Projects home page displays readme and message of the day files that can be customized with markdown to display notices to users
- Improved Node filter
- Now supports all custom node attributes
- New filter expression syntax, simple examples:
tags: a+b
filters by tags
environment: (prod|qa)
Regular expression filter on an attribute called environment
- New simpler UI
- Improved Nodes page to better navigate the data about the nodes in your infrastructure
- Navigate nodes through attribute links
- Run a job or execute a command from filter sets
- New Commands page dedicated to ad hoc command execution.
- Controls over thread count and error handling
- Reference saved defined filters or express your own.
- Step descriptions for workflow steps. Give your step a brief description, which will be displayed during execution.
- Improved Activity views with tabbed views for common queries
- Tabs for Now running, recent, errors and executions by you.
- Box score metrics for executions. Use Rundeck as an information radiator.
- Percent completed and Success/Failure metrics displayed for each execution
- New coat of paint: new logo, new GUI style using Bootstrap 3 and Flatly theme
- Caching and error catching for resource model source plugins
- Execution model API and json representation stored with log output
- Optimized internals to reduce service loading time
- Cruft removal (legacy formats and syntaxes), upgraded frameworks
- Copy file step plugin copies files from rundeck server to remote nodes.
- Better REST-ful behavior
- removed use of 302 redirects between requests and some responses
- JDK7 support
The Rundeck organization on github is the new location for the Rundeck application source code as well as other associated projects:
Additionally, the Rundeck-plugin for Jenkins is now maintained by the core Rundeck project maintainers.
(Special thanks to Vincent Behar who originally created both the rundeck-api-java-client and rundeck-plugin projects.)
Get in touch
Please let us know about any issues you find, or just if you like the new look:
- Alex Honor
- Greg Schueler
- Damon Edwards
- John Burbridge
- Moto Ohno
- Kim Ho
- Matt Wise at
- Etienne Grignon at Disney
- Srinivas Peri and Aya Ivtan at Adobe
- Mark Maun and Eddie Wizelman at Ticketmaster
- Vincent Behar
- As well as (anonymous) Sponsored Development Clients - thank you!
Fixed in beta1
Release 1.6.2
Date: 2013-09-19
Notable Changes:
- Bug fixes:
- Job references could not be edited after upgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
- using node rank attribute with the same value on two nodes would skip nodes
- error running jobs with no options defined
- LDAPS certificate validation fixes
- Secure option data should not be echoed in DEBUG logs
Many thanks to Kim Ho for his contributions for this release!
Release 1.6.1
Date: 2013-08-24
Notable Changes:
- Bug fixes and updates to documentation to reflect changes in 1.6
- Added a unix PAM login module
- Added a feature to allow static definition of API auth tokens in a file
- Restored ability to use Job references as Node steps in a workflow (i.e. execute the job reference for each matched node in the parent job.)
- Fixed issue using the Jenkins rundeck-plugin when authenticating to Rundeck
- Alex Honor
- Greg Schueler
- Martin Strigl
Release 1.6.0
Date: 2013-08-02
Rundeck 1.6.0 introduces two major changes and a number of bug fixes and enhancements:
- Logging system plugins.
- New facility allows integration with other systems, like Logstash, and improves Rundeck’s behavior in a clustered cloud environment by allowing you to have log files synched to a shared storage more easily.
- Refreshed GUI
- Did you know it hasn’t really been changed since Rundeck 1.0?! We fixed some of the usability complaints about the old GUI, and our goal was to address usability without having to change functionality, but some of our future GUI enhancement ideas snuck in.
Notable issues:
Many thanks for the helpful contributions from the community!
- Alex Honor
- Greg Schueler
- Jonathan Li
- Kim Ho
- UnsignedLong
Release 1.5.3
Date: 2013-05-30
Notable Changes:
- bug fixes
- plugins can define input properties that get displayed as textareas in the gui
Incubator changes:
- cluster mode, which allows scheduled (cron) jobs to only run on a single node when multiple Rundeck servers share a single DB. (Note: “incubator” features are experimental and likely to change)
- Alex Honor
- Greg Schueler
- Kim Ho
Release 1.5.2
Date: 2013-05-06
Note: the 1.5.2 release fixes a packaging issue with rpm/debian installations. 1.5.1 release notes follow.
Notable Changes:
- Bug fixes
- Job Notification Plugins
- Notification ‘onstart’ trigger
- Jobs can now cause a notification trigger when started via the ‘onstart’ trigger
- Notifications can now use the email address of the user who executed a job, as
. (You can set an email for your account in the Profile page.)
- Alex Honor
- Charles Duffy
- Greg Schueler
- John Burbridge
- Jonathan Li
- Kim Ho
Release 1.5.1
Date: 2013-04-30
Notable Changes:
- Bug fixes
- Job Notification Plugins
- Notification ‘onstart’ trigger
- Jobs can now cause a notification trigger when started via the ‘onstart’ trigger
- Notifications can now use the email address of the user who executed a job, as
. (You can set an email for your account in the Profile page.)
- Alex Honor
- Charles Duffy
- Greg Schueler
- John Burbridge
- Jonathan Li
- Kim Ho
Release 1.5
Date: 2/21/2013
This release introduces a few new features and some bug fixes. The new features required some schema changes to the database, so direct upgrading from 1.4 to 1.5 is not possible. Please read the Upgrading document for upgrade information.
There is now a new type of plugin, the Workflow Step Plugin, which should allow rundeck workflows to integrate with more systems in a more direct fashion. These plugins can be either “Workflow Steps” (run once per workflow) or “Node Steps” (run once per node in a workflow.)
Steps can now have Error Handlers which run if the step fails. They will be provided with context data about the reason the step failed.
Notable Changes:
- Step Plugins - Plugins can now be created and used for workflow or node steps.
- Error Handlers - Each step in a workflow can now have an error handler that
- will be run if the step fails. bug fix: Job references in a workflow will now
- only run once, and not operate as a node-step.
Plugin developers:
You will need to update your plugins to work in Rundeck 1.5. Refer to the Developer Guide for more information.
Release 1.4.5
Date: 1/10/2013
This release is a minor bugfix update, with some bonus features.
Notable Changes:
- bug fixes
- dispatch -s, some API project filtering was wrong, node dispatch threadcount can be set blank
- Bulk delete jobs via GUI
- Job page group filters now apply to Now Running and History areas
- History views don’t use 1 day as a filter by default anymore
Release 1.4.4
Date: 10/26/2012
This release marks the end of the 1.4 development cycle, and includes bug fixes and a few new features.
We are planning to make some changes in the DB schema for the next release (1.5.x) that may not be backwards compatible so have included a feature to export a Rundeck project into an archive file. This will allow us to change the schema yet still allow users to migrate their projects.
Notable Changes:
- bug fixes (scheduled jobs, mail notifications, rd-jobs yaml output, jenkins plugin + parallel jobs)
- Project archive/import - download an archive of Jobs, Executions and History that can be imported into a different project
- Added a second level of sudo password support
- Add a ‘purge’ action to rd-jobs tool to delete jobs
- Better support for Tomcat war deployment
- View all nodes button in Run page
- Cascading option values from remote URLs
- CLI tools can follow execution output from the server (rd-queue, run, dispatch)
- API enhancements:
- query for executions and history reports
- retrieve execution output
- remote options URL failure allows text field input even if option is restricted (bug)
- project archive/import (enhancement)
- multiple sudo authentication support (enhancement)
- Document syntax of arguments passed to the run command (enhancement, documentation)
- add purge option to rd-jobs tool (enhancement, cli)
- Add query API for executions (enhancement, api)
- CLI tools can’t authenticate to a tomcat war deployment of rundeck (bug)
- Allow history API to query for list of job names (enhancement, api)
- javascript problem: Can’t change nodes when trying to run a saved job (bug, ux)
- Rundeck jobs fail to execute sometimes (bug)
- Rundeck war should not contain servlet api libraries (enhancement)
- deb dependency requires GUI libraries (enhancement, packaging)
- Enable property expansion in framework level default ssh user (enhancement, configuration, ssh)
- Mail notifications are broken in 1.4.3 (bug)
- resource model source URL basic auth support is broken (bug)
- Update wiki/documentation for remote option provider (documentation)
- Parallel/Concurrent jobs fail (bug)
- cli tool rd-jobs format yaml does not generate any content in file for 1.4.3 (bug, cli)
- Scheduled RunDeck jobs no longer work with RunDeck 1.4.3 (bug, scheduler, jobs)
- Allow disabling of hover popups (enhancement)
- Add a button to view all nodes in nodes filter view (enhancement, ux, filters)
- need REST interface to retrieve execution ouput (enhancement, api)
- dispatcher needs option to queue job but also observe log (enhancement)
- Ability to change the default number of lines to display for the TAIL output in the rundeck job execution history (enhancement)
- feature for cascading select list from options provider (enhancement)
Release 1.4.3
Date: 6/21/2012
Notable Changes:
- Security fix for issue #555 - vulnerability with ldap authentication
- Scripts can be executed from URLs
- Secure options now have two types (authentication or normal)
- Easily run a job with the same arguments as a previous execution
- Bugfixes
See the Upgrading Guide if you are upgrading from Rundeck 1.3.