Release 2.8.3
Date: 2017-06-30
Name: “cafe cubano orangered flash”
Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
Upgrading from Earlier versions
This release is primarily bug fixes.
Some other changes:
- If a step has an Error Handler that is marked as “keepgoing on success”, then Error level log output from the step is changed to Normal level
- Executions that were running when the Rundeck server was shutdown will be set to “Incomplete” when the server restarts.
- Some internal library versions were upgraded
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Loïc Blot (nerzhul)
- Sean Reifschneider (linsomniac)
- jtobard
- ltamaster
Bug Reporters
- arthurlogilab
- cr42
- flapp
- gschueler
- jtobard
- kmusard
- linsomniac
- ltamaster
- matthewsrogers
- nerzhul
- ronave
- schast
- shoelzle
- soar
- tomdeblende
- uralk
- willemdh
- zionio
Milestone 2.8.3