Interface | Description |
ExtSSHExec.Disconnectable |
Allows disconnecting the ssh connection
ExtSSHExec.DisconnectHolder |
Interface for receiving access to Disconnectable
SSHTaskBuilder.SSHBaseInterface |
interface that mimics SSHBase methods called
SSHTaskBuilder.SSHConnectionInfo |
Defines the authentication input for a build
Class | Description |
ExtScp |
ExtScp is ...
ExtSSHExec |
Executes a command on a remote machine via ssh.
SSHTaskBuilder |
SSHTaskFactory constructs a ExtSSHExec task
ThreadBoundJschLogger |
Uses an inheritable ThreadLocal
BaseLogger to log Jsch messages, bind it by calling ThreadBoundJschLogger.getInstance(com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.BaseLogger, int)
and then JSch.setLogger(com.jcraft.jsch.Logger) |
Enum | Description |
SSHTaskBuilder.AuthenticationType |
Exception | Description |
SSHTaskBuilder.BuilderException |