Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.utils

Interface Summary
Converter<S,T> Convert one type of object into another
IPropertyLookup simple interface to lookup property data
MapGenerator<K,V> MapGenerator is an interface for producing a set of Map data of a certain type.
Pair<T,W> Pair of objects
Reformatter Reformatter producess a formatted message using contextual data and an input message.
ZipUtil.renamer Interface for renaming a file
ZipUtil.streamCopier Interface for copying a stream from input to output.

Class Summary
Base64 MIME Base64 encoder.
ExecToolCommandLogger ExecToolCommandLogger reformats ant log messages using a Reformatter
FileUtils TODO: Consider wrapping FileUtils
FormattedOutputStream Deprecated.  
IdentityConverter<T> IdentityConverter
JARVerifier JARVerifier verifies signed JAR files given a list of trusted CA certificates.
LogReformatter LogReformatter can produce a formatted log message using a set of context data.
NodeSet NodeSet provides filtering logic for Node criteria
NullablePairImpl<T,W> Pair implementation allowing null values
OptsUtil OptsUtil is ...
PairImpl<T,W> Pair implementation that disallows nulls, and provides setters.
Pairs Utility methods for using Pair instances
PartialLineBuffer A Line oriented String buffer which can also return the last incomplete line read
PropertyLookup Simple utiltiy class to lookup property info
PropertyUtil expands nested property references within a provided string
QuotedStringTokenizer Tokenizer for strings delimited by spaces, allowing quoted strings with either single or double quotes, and escaped quote values within those strings by doubling the quote character.
ScriptExecUtil Provides methods for running scripts/commands.
StringArrayUtil Utility for managing string arrays
ThreadBoundOutputStream ThreadBoundOutputStream allows a different OutputStream to be used for the current Thread and any child threads when necessary, otherwise the default OutputStream is used.
ThreadBoundPrintStream ThreadBoundPrintStream wraps a ThreadBoundOutputStream and provides accessor for the OutputStream.
ZipUtil ZipUtil provides utility methods for extracting the contents of a zip file.
ZipUtil.CopyStreamCopier streamCopier that simply copies the stream without modification.
ZipUtil.PrefixStripper Strips a prefix from input

Enum Summary
NodeSet.FILTER_ENUM Enum of filters.

Exception Summary
JARVerifier.VerifierException An Exception thrown during verification.
PropertyLookupException Exception throwable from an IPropertyLookup