
Interface Summary
AuthStorageTree AuthStorageTree authenticated interface to resource tree
AuthTree<T extends ContentMeta> AuthTree authenticated facade to Tree
CanSetResourceMeta Mutable interface for metadata
ExtTree<S,T extends ContentMeta> ExtTree extends each tree method with additional parameter
HasResourceMeta Reads metadata
ResourceMeta Extends ContentMeta to add metadata about a Rundeck resource.
StorageConverter Can convert a rundeck resource
StorageTree Tree subtype that provides ResourceMeta content.

Class Summary
AuthRundeckStorageTree AuthRundeckStorageTree provides authorized access to a tree using an AuthContext for each request.
AuthStorageUsernameMeta AuthStorageUsernameMeta is ...
BaseStreamResource BaseStreamResource is ...
ResourceMetaBuilder Mutable set of rundeck resource metadata.
StorageConverterPluginAdapter Adapter for a StorageConverterPlugin to use as a StorageConverter
StorageTimestamperConverter StorageTimestamperConverter sets modification and creation timestamp metadata for updated/created resources.
StorageTreeImpl StorageTree implementation using a delegate.
StorageUtil Provides utility methods for use by the storage layer, or implementing plugins.

Exception Summary
StorageAuthorizationException StorageAuthorizationException indicates unauthorized request to the storage layer.