Package com.dtolabs.client.utils

Interface Summary
BaseHttpClient BaseHttpClient provides a simple interface for making and receiving HTTP requests to the server.
HttpAuthenticator ColonyHttpAuthenticator is the interface for an authentication module for use by a CommanderHttpClient instance.
ServerResponse ServerResponse supplies the result of a Webservice request.
WebserviceHttpClient WebserviceHttpClient is the interface for making Colony requests to the Webservice application.
WebserviceResponse WebserviceResponse interface defines results of a request made to Webservice service, extending the base ServerResponse.

Class Summary
BaseFormAuthenticator BaseFormAuthenticator provides base implementation of authenticator by posting login information to the j_security_check authorization mechanism.
ClientState ClientState manages a map of HttpStates, allowing CommanderHttpClientChannel to re-use an existing client session without logging in again.
Constants Constants for client-server communication
WebserviceFormAuthenticator WebserviceFormAuthenticator extends BaseFormAuthenticator to provide authentication to the Webservice application.
WebserviceHttpClientFactory WebserviceHttpClientFactory creates instances of WebserviceHttpClient.

Exception Summary
AuthorizationFailureException AuthorizationFailureException is a subclass of HttpClientException that represents an authorization failure.
HttpClientException ColonyHttpClientException is an exception thrown by a ColonyHttpClient.