
Resource format Parser and Generator providers are used to serialize a set of Node resources into a textual format for transport or storage.

Each Parser and Generator must declare the set of filename extensions (such as "xml" or "json") that it supports, as well as the set of MIME types that it supports (such as "text/xml" or "application/json".)
This lets other services retrieve the appropriate parser or generator when all that is known about the source or destination of serialized data is a filename or a MIME type.

Java Plugin Type


For Parsers, your provider class must implement the interface ResourceFormatParser:

public interface ResourceFormatParser {
* Return the list of file extensions that this format parser can parse.
public Set<String> getFileExtensions();

* Return the list of MIME types that this format parser can parse.
* This may include wildcards such as "*&#47;xml".
public Set<String> getMIMETypes();

* Parse a file
public INodeSet parseDocument(File file) throws ResourceFormatParserException;

* Parse an input stream
public INodeSet parseDocument(InputStream input) throws ResourceFormatParserException;


For Generators, your provider class must implement the interface ResourceFormatGenerator:

public interface ResourceFormatGenerator {

* Return the list of file extensions that this format generator can generate
public Set<String> getFileExtensions();

* Return the list of MIME types that this format generator can generate.
* If more than one are returned, then the first value will be used by
* default if necessary.
public List<String> getMIMETypes();

* generate formatted output
public void generateDocument(INodeSet nodeset, OutputStream stream)
throws ResourceFormatGeneratorException,IOException;