You can modify some display features of the Rundeck GUI by setting these properties in the file:

rundeck.gui.titleTitle shown in app headerTest App
rundeck.gui.brand.htmlHTML used in place of titleTest <b>App</b>
rundeck.gui.logoLogo icon path relative to webapps/rundeck/images dirtest-logo.png
rundeck.gui.logoHires(High Res/retina) Logo icon path relative to webapps/rundeck/images dir. Should be 2x the specified logo-height and logo-widthtest-logo@2x.png
rundeck.gui.logo-widthIcon width for proper display (32px is best)32px
rundeck.gui.logo-heightIcon height for proper display (32px is best)32px
rundeck.gui.titleLinkURL for the link used by the app header icon.
rundeck.gui.helpLinkURL for the "help" link in the app header. docs
rundeck.gui.realJobTreeDisplaying a real tree in the Jobs overview instead of collapsing empty groups. Default: truefalse
rundeck.gui.startpageChange the default page shown after choosing a project. values: 'run', 'jobs' or 'history'. Default: 'jobs'.'jobs'
rundeck.gui.execution.tail.lines.defaultChange the default number of lines shown in the execution page in tail mode view. (Default: 20)50
rundeck.gui.execution.tail.lines.maxChange the maximum number of lines shown in the execution page in tail mode view. (Default: 100)200
rundeck.gui.enableJobHoverInfoShows job information when the user hovers over a job name in various pages. (Default: true)false
rundeck.gui.login.welcomeText displayed in the login form. pages. (Default: blank)
rundeck.gui.errorpage.hidestacktraceHide Java stacktraces from the end user when an error occurs. Default: false.true/false

The rundeck.gui.errorpage.hidestacktrace can also be set to true via a Java system property defined at system startup: -Dorg.rundeck.gui.errorpage.hidestacktrace=true.