Resource Model Sources

Rundeck includes these Built-in plugins in the core installation:


Uses a file on the file system, in any of the supported Resources formats.


GETs a URL, and expects one of the supported Resources formats.


looks at all files in a directory for supported file extensions, and internally uses the file provider for each file that matches.


Executes a script and parses the output as one of the supported formats

To configure these providers use the following configuration properties.

File Resource Model Source Configuration

The file Resource Model Source provider reads a file in one of the supported Resource Model Document Formats.

Configuration properties for file Resource Model Source provider
Name Value Notes
file file path Path to a file on disk.
format format name Can be used to declare the format explicitly. Otherwise the format is determined from the file's extension.
requireFileExists true/false If true and the file is missing, causes a failure to load the nodes. (Default: false)
includeServerNode true/false If true, include the Project's server node automatically. (Default: false)
generateFileAutomatically true/false If true, create the file automatically if it is missing. (Default: false)

The value of format must be one of the supported Resource Model Document Formats. The built-in formats are: resourcexml or resourceyaml, but any format provided by a Resource Format Plugin can be specified as well.



URL Resource Model Source Configuration

The url Resource Model Source provider performs a HTTP GET request to retrieve the Nodes definition.

Configuration properties:

Configuration properties for url Resource Model Source provider
Name Value Notes
url URL A valid URL, either http:, https: or file: protocol.
cache true/false If true, use ETag/Last-Modified information from the server to only download new content if it has changed. If false, always download the content. (Default: true)
timeout seconds Number of seconds before request fails due to timeout. 0 means no timeout. (Default: 30)

The Resource Model Document Format that is used is determined by the MIME type sent by the remote server. The built-in formats accept "*/xml" and "*/yaml" and "*/x-yaml".



Directory Resource Model Source Configuration

The directory Resource Model Source provider lists all files in a directory, and loads each one that has a supported file extension as File Resource Model Source with all default configuration options.

Configuration properties for directory Resource Model Source provider
Name Value Notes
directory directory path All files in the directory that have a supported file extension will be loaded



Script Resource Model Source Configuration

The script Resource Model Source provider executes a script file and reads the output of the script as one of the supported Resource Model Document Formats.

Configuration properties for script Resource Model Source provider
Name Value Notes
file Script file path If required by the interpreter, the file should be executable
interpreter Command or interpreter to use e.g. "bash -c"
args Additional arguments to pass The arguments will be added after the script file name to the executed commandline
format Format name Must be used to declare the format explicitly.

The script will be executed in this way:

[interpreter] file [args]

All output on STDOUT will be passed to a Resource Format Parser to parse. The format specified must be available.


resources.source.2.interpreter=bash -c
resources.source.2.args=-project example

Resource Model Document Formats

Resource Model Document Formats are defined by plugins that provide Generators and Parsers, typically in matched pairs, with both a parser and generator for the same format name.

Resource Format Plugins

Rundeck includes three built-in plugins in the core installation:


Supports the Resource XML document format: resource-XML.

Supported MIME types:

  • Generator: text/xml
  • Parser: */xml

Supported File extensions:

  • .xml

Supports the Resource YAML document format: resource-YAML.

Supported MIME types:

  • Generator: text/yaml, text/x-yaml, application/yaml, application/x-yaml
  • Parser: */yaml, */x-yaml

Supported File extensions:

  • .yml, .yaml

Supports the Resource JSON document format: resource-JSON.

Supported MIME types:

  • Generator: application/json, text/json
  • Parser: application/json, text/json

Supported File extensions:

  • .json