Interface | Description |
Condition |
A predicate of a state
ListenableMutableStateObj |
Created by greg on 4/28/16.
MutableStateObj |
State that can be modified
Rule |
Defines a condition and a new state based on the old state
RuleEngine |
Engine for evaluating rules and generating a new state, see
Rules |
StateChangeListener |
Created by greg on 4/28/16.
StateObj |
A key/value map used as a state
WorkflowSystem |
Process a set of Operations, by use of a RuleEngine to determine when/if operations should run,
and by updating a shared state object with new state changes returned by each operation.
WorkflowSystem.Operation<X,T extends WorkflowSystem.OperationCompleted> |
An operation which returns a success result object
WorkflowSystem.OperationCompleted<T> |
Indicates an operation completed, supplies a new set of state data to update the mutable state with
WorkflowSystem.OperationResult<D,T extends WorkflowSystem.OperationCompleted<D>,X extends WorkflowSystem.Operation<D,T>> |
Return type which contains either a success result, or a failure throwable, and includes the original
WorkflowSystem.SharedData<T> |
Manages shared data, consumes results of operations, and produces input for subsequent operations
WorkflowSystemBuilder |
Created by greg on 5/18/16.
WorkflowSystemEvent |
Created by greg on 5/18/16.
WorkflowSystemEventListener |
Created by greg on 5/18/16.
Class | Description |
BaseRuleEngine |
Basic rules engine
DataState |
Created by greg on 4/28/16.
KeyValueEqualsCondition |
Evaluates true if the state has the key and exact value
MatchesCondition |
Created by greg on 5/4/16.
Rules |
Create rules and a rule engine
StateLogger |
Created by greg on 5/5/16.
States |
Created by greg on 5/2/16.
WorkflowEngine |
A WorkflowSystem which processes the operations by use of a rule system and a mutable state.
WorkflowEngineBuilder |
Created by greg on 5/18/16.
Workflows |
Created by greg on 5/2/16.
Enum | Description |
WorkflowSystemEventType |
Created by greg on 5/18/16.