Two dimensions of information dictate authorization inside Rundeck:

  • group memberships assigned to a user login.
  • access control policy that grants access to one or more policy actions to a group or user.

The chapter on Authentication discusses how to assign group memberships to users.

The remainder of this section will describe how to use the access control policy.

Note from the project team: The authorization layer is an early work in progress. Please share your ideas on the IRC or mailing list.

Access control policy

Access to running or modifying Jobs is managed in an access control policy defined using the aclpolicy YAML document. This file contains a number of policy elements that describe what user group is allowed to perform which actions.

Please read over this document for information on how to define it, and how to grant access for certain actions to certain resources:

Policies can be organized into more than one file to help organize access by group or pattern of use. The normal Rundeck install will have generated a policy for the "admin" group. Not all users will need to be given "admin" access level to control and modify all Jobs. More typically, a group of users will be given access to just a subset of Jobs.

File listing: admin.aclpolicy example

description: Admin project level access control. Applies to resources within a specific project.
  project: '.*' # all projects
    - equals:
        kind: job
      allow: [create] # allow create jobs
    - equals:
        kind: node
      allow: [read,create,update,refresh] # allow refresh node sources
    - equals:
        kind: event
      allow: [read,create] # allow read/create events
    - allow: [read,run,kill] # allow running/killing adhoc jobs
    - allow: [read,update,delete,run,kill] # allow read/write/delete/run/kill of all jobs
    - allow: [read,run] # allow read/run for all nodes
  group: admin


description: Admin Application level access control, applies to creating/deleting projects, admin of user profiles, viewing projects and reading system information.
  application: 'rundeck'
    - equals:
        kind: project
      allow: [create] # allow create of projects
    - equals:
        kind: system
      allow: [read] # allow read of system info
    - equals:
        kind: user
      allow: [admin] # allow modify user profiles
    - match:
        name: '.*'
      allow: [read,admin] # allow view/admin of all projects
  group: admin

The example policy document above demonstrates the access granted to the users in group "admin".

Two separate policies define two levels of access control. The first is the "project" context, which allows access to actions on resources within a specific project. The second is the "application" level context, which allows access to things like creating projects, access to projects, managing users, and access to system information.

Specific Resources and Resource Types

As described in the aclpolicy-v10(5) definition, access is granted or denied to specific "resources". Resources can take two forms:

  • A specific resource, with a type and properties
  • Resource types, which applies to all resources of a specific type or "kind"

For example, you might want to restrict access to a job or jobs within a certain group. This corresponds to specific "job" resources with a "group" property matching a certain pattern.

You might also want to restrict who can create new jobs. Since a new job does not exist yet, you cannot create a rule for this action to apply to an existing job. Which means this corresponds to a generic resource with a "kind" called "job".

Special API Token Authentication group

Clients of the Web API may use the Token Authentication method. These clients are placed in the special authorization group called api_token_group.

Special role given to all API Token authenticated access.

Rundeck resource authorizations

Rundeck declares a number of actions that can be referenced inside the access control policy document.

The actions and resources are divided into project scope and application scope:

Application Scope Resources and Actions

You define application scope rules in the aclpolicy, by declaring this context:

  application: 'rundeck'

These are the Application scope actions that can be allowed or denied via the aclpolicy:

  • Creating Projects ('create' action on a resource type with kind 'project')
  • Reading system information ('read' action on a resource type with kind 'project')
  • Administering user profiles ('admin' action on a resource type of kind 'user')
  • Reading specific projects ('read' action on a project with a specific name)
  • Administering specific projects ('admin' action on a project with a specific name

The following table summarizes the generic and specific resources and the actions you can restrict in the application scope:

Application scope generic type actions
TypeResource KindPropertiesActionsDescription
resourceprojectnonecreateCreate a new project
resourcesystemnonereadRead system information
resourceusernoneadminModify user profiles
Application scope specific resource actions
project"name"readView a project in the project list
project"name"adminModify project configuration

Project Scope Resources and Actions

You define project scope rules in the aclpolicy by declaring this context:

  project: "(regex)"

The regex can match all projects using ".*", or you can simply put the project name.

Note that for projects not matched by an aclpolicy, no actions will be granted to users.

Also note that to hide projects completely from users, you would need to grant or deny the "read" access to the project in the Application Scope.

These are the Application scope actions that can be allowed or denied via the aclpolicy:

  • Create Jobs ('create' action on a resource type with kind 'job')
  • Read Node data ('read' action on a resource type with kind 'node')
  • Update/Refresh node data ('create','update','refresh' action on a resource type with kind 'node')
  • Read history events ('read' action on a resource type with kind 'event')
  • Create history events ('create' action on a resource type with kind 'event')
  • Run adhoc jobs ('run' action on 'adhoc' resources)
  • Kill adhoc jobs ('kill' action on 'adhoc' resources)
  • Any Action on Jobs (actions on 'job' resources, see below)

The following table summarizes the generic and specific resources and the actions you can restrict in the project scope:

Project scope generic type actions
TypeResource KindActionsDescription
resourcejobcreateCreate a new Job
"nodereadRead node information
""createCreate new node entries
""updateModify node entries
""refreshRefresh node entry from a URL
"eventreadRead history event information
""createCreate arbitrary history event entries
Project scope specific resource actions
adhocreadRead adhoc execution output
"runRun an adhoc execution
"killKill an adhoc execution
job"name","group"readView a Job and its executions
"updateModify a job
"deleteDelete a job
"runRun a job
"killKill a running job
"createCreate the matching job
node"rundeck_server", "nodename", ...readView the node in the UI (see Node resource properties)
"runRun jobs/adhoc on the node

Note: see Node resource properties for more node resource properties for authorization.

Recall that defining rules for a resource type is done in this way:

    - equals:
        kind: 'project'
      allow: [create]

Whereas defining rules for specific resources of a certain type is done in this way:

    - equals:
        name: bob
      allow: [run]

Node resource properties

The properties available are the attributes that are defined on the node, so you can apply authorizations based on tag, osName, hostname, etc. The special rundeck_server property will be set to "true" for the Rundeck server node only, and "false" for all other nodes.

Any custom attributes can be used as well.

Pre-defined Node resource properties for authorization filters
nodenameName of the node
usernameAuthentication username
hostnameHostname of the node
descriptionDescription of the node
tagsSet of tags. Can use with the contains: filter.
osNameOperating System name
osFamilyOperating System family, e.g. "unix" or "windows"
osVersionOperating System version
osArchOperating System architecture
rundeck_serverA value set to "true" if the node is the Rundeck server node

Access control policy actions example

Below is an example policy document demonstrating policy actions to create limited access for a group of users. Users in the group "restart_user", are allowed to run three jobs in the "adm" group, Restart, stop and start. By allowing run but not read, the "stop" and "start" jobs will not be visible.

File listing: restart_user.aclpolicy example

description: Limited user access for adm restart action
  project: '.*'
    - equals:
        group: 'adm'
        name: 'Restart'
      allow: [run,read]
    - equals:
        group: 'adm'
        name: 'stop'
      allow: [run]
    - equals:
        group: 'adm'
        name: 'start'
      allow: [run]
  group: [restart_user]

Troubleshooting access control policy

After defining an aclpolicy file to grant access to a particular group of users, you may find them getting "unauthorized" messages or complaints that certain actions are not possible.

To diagnose this, begin by checking two bits:

  1. The user's group membership. This can be done by going to the user's profile page in Rundeck. That page will list the groups the user is a member.
  2. Read the messages inside the rundeck.audit.log log file. The authorization facility generates fairly low level messages describing how the policy is matched to the user context.

For each entry in the audit log, you'll see all decisions leading up to either a AUTHORIZED or a REJECTED message. It's not uncommon to see REJECTED messages followed by AUTHORIZED. The important thing is to look at the last decision made.

Authorization caveats

  • aclpolicy changes do not require a restart.