Package com.dtolabs.utils

Interface Summary
PropertiesUtil.Adder Adder represents an object that can have properties added to it.
PropertiesUtil.Producer Reader represents an object that can produce Properties.

Class Summary
Mapper Some basic functions from other languages just don't exist in java :)
This utility class provides simple methods for "mapping" a set of objects to a new set of objects, based on a provided implementation.
The mapping will be one to one, although if the result of a particular mapping returns null, the result can be discarded (default) rather than included.
PropertiesUtil PropertiesUtil provides some utility methods for Properties.
PropertiesUtil.PrefixAdder A Adder that adds new properties to the input Properties object using a given prefix to prepend to the name of all new properties.
PropertiesUtil.PrefixProducer A Producer that given an input set of properties and a specific prefix, produces another set of properties from all input properties that have that prefix and removes the prefix.
Streams Streams utility class for reading and writing streams
Streams.StreamCopyThread A simple Thread subclass that performs a stream copy from an InputStream to an OutputStream.