Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.utils

Interface Summary
Responder Responder defines a pattern of response to some input from a stream.
ResponderTask.ResultHandler Handles result of responder thread run
ResponderTask.SuccessResult Success/failure result interface

Class Summary
LeadPipeOutputStream LeadPipeOutputStream is a PipedOutputStream that allows the thread reading from the PipedInputStream to die or finish without completing, and does not throw any IOExceptions if this occurs.
ResponderTask ResponderTask interacts with an input and outputstream, using a Responder instance to define the interaction.
ResponderTask.ResponderResult Result from a responder execution, which contains success, the original Responder, a failure reason if unsuccessful and a boolean indicating if the process was interrupted.
ResponderTask.Sequence<T extends ResponderTask.SuccessResult> Creates a callable by executing the first step, and only if successful executing the next step.