Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.dispatcher

Interface Summary
CentralDispatcher CentralDispatcher interface provides methods for accessing central dispatcher of the app server.
DataContextUtils.EnvironmentConfigurable Can be configured with environment variables
DeleteJobResult DeleteJobResult is ...
DispatcherResult DispatcherResult returns request status, and any message from the server or about the request.
ExecutionDetail ExecutionDetail describes an execution
ExecutionFollowReceiver ExecutionFollowReceiver receives execution log entries and status.
ExecutionFollowRequest ExecutionFollowRequest describes an initial request for execution log output.
ExecutionFollowResult ExecutionFollowResult describes the result of the last log output received
IDispatchedExecution IDispatchedExecution defines common properties of dispatched execution requests (script, command or job)
IDispatchedJob IDispatchedJob specifies a Job definition to execute
IDispatchedScript IDispatchedScript describes the parameters for a dispatch invocation sent to the Dispatcher
ILoadJobsRequest ILoadJobsRequest defines input options for a load-jobs request
IStoredJob IStoredJob defines properties of a stored Job definition
IStoredJobExecution IStoredJobExecution is ...
IStoredJobLoadResult IStoredJobLoadResult extends IStoredJob to include server response data about the success/failure of the storage request, and whether the job was skipped or not.
IStoredJobRef IStoredJobRef interface references a Job definition by ID and/or name and group.
IStoredJobsQuery IStoredJobsQuery defines properties used in querying the server for the list of stored jobs.
QueuedItem QueuedItem contain information about an executing Job in the Central Dispatcher's queue
QueuedItemResult QueuedItemResult extends DispatcherResult to provide a QueuedItem definition

Class Summary
CentralDispatcherMgrFactory CentralDispatcherMgrFactory provides methods for creating a CentralDispatcher instance, configured by a classname.
DataContextUtils DataContextUtils provides methods for using a set of context data to substitute property references, generate environment variables, and expand tokens in a file.
IStoredJobsQueryImpl IStoredJobsQueryImpl is ...
NoCentralDispatcher NoCentralDispatcher is an implementation of the CentralDispatcher which throws exceptions indicating the operations are not supported.
ReplaceTokenReader Reader that filters text to replace delimited tokens with values, the default delimiters are '@', and the default allowed token characters are alphanumeric plus punctuation characters: "+-._"

Enum Summary
ExecutionState Represents the state of an execution
JobDefinitionFileFormat Supported file formats for jobs
StoredJobsRequestDuplicateOption Enumeration of options for handling duplicate jobs when uploading Job definitions
StoredJobsRequestUUIDOption $INTERFACE is ...

Exception Summary
CentralDispatcherException Exception class for CentralDispatcher layer
DataContextUtils.UnresolvedDataReferenceException Indicates that the value of a property reference could not be resolved.