Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.common

Interface Summary
FileUpdater FileUpdater modifies a file.
FrameworkSupportService FrameworkSupportService common interface for services that can be registered with and retrieved from a Framework instance
IFrameworkProjectMgr A set of interfaces for managing a set of Depots
IFrameworkResource Implementations of this interface provide a resource in a composition hierarchy of resources.
IFrameworkResourceParent a set of interfaces for managing child IFrameworkResource instances.
INodeBase INodeBase identifies a node by its name.
INodeDesc interface for node info pertaining to command execution
INodeEntry INodeEntry describes a node definition
INodeSet INodeSet contains a set of nodes
NodeFileParser NodeFileParser has a single parse method, and throws the NodeFileParserException on error.
NodeReceiver NodeReceiver is ...
NodeSetMerge $INTERFACE is ...
NodesFileGenerator NodesFileGenerator interface for a file serializer for nodes data
NodesSelector INodesSelector is ...
PropertyRetriever PropertyRetriever is ...
ProviderService<T> ProviderService is a FrameworkSupportService that can return specific service providers of a given name.
URLFileUpdaterFactory URLFileUpdaterFactory can create FileUpdater instances given a URL

Class Summary
AdditiveListNodeSet NodeSetSequence is ...
Framework Manages the elements of the Ctl framework.
FrameworkProject Represents a project in the framework.
FrameworkProjectMgr DepotMgr is a framework resource that provides interfaces for looking up other resources such as FrameworkType FrameworkResourceInstance, etc.
FrameworkResource Represents a generic framework resource.
FrameworkResourceParent Provides capability of managing child FrameworkResource instances.
MergedAttributesNodeSet $INTERFACE is ...
NodeBaseImpl Implementation of INodeBase
NodeEntryFactory NodeEntryFactory creates NodeEntryImpls
NodeEntryImpl NodeEntryImpl provides a bean representation of INodesEntry
NodeFilter NodeFilter is ...
NodeSetImpl Basic Implementation of INodeSet
NodesXMLParser NodesXmlParser invokes the ResourceXmlParser to collate the Node entries, and sends the parsed nodes to the NodeReceiver object with the parsed node entities.
NodesYamlGenerator NodesYamlGenerator produces YAML formatted output from a set of INodeEntry data.
NodesYamlParser NodesYamlParser imports Node data from a YAML formatted input file or datastream.
PropertiesCache PropertiesCache caches properties file contents and reloads them if they have been modified.
SelectorUtils SelectorUtils is ...
UpdateUtils UpdateUtils provides UpdateUtils.updateFileFromUrl(String, String) to GET a file from remote URL and store it to a file.

Exception Summary
FileUpdaterException FileUpdaterException is thrown by FileUpdater if an error occurs.
FrameworkResourceException This RunTimeException subclass is typically thrown when a resource is unavailable in the framework or the framework is misconfigured due to strange user deployment.
NodeFileParserException NodeFileParserException indicates an exception with the NodeFileParser
NodesGeneratorException NodesGeneratorException indicates an error when generating output from nodes data.
UpdateUtils.UpdateException An exception caused by the UpdateUtils methods.