Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.cli

Interface Summary
Action The Action interface encapsulates a single action invoked via the command line.
ActionMaker ActionMaker
CLILoggerParams CLILoggerParams is ...
CLITool Classes that implement this interface provide a shell tool with a command line interface.
CLIToolLogger Provides log interfaces to CLITools
CLIToolOptions CLIToolOptions interface defines lifecycle methods for a set of options for a CLI tool.
SingleProjectResolver SingleProjectResolver determines if only a single project exists, and can return the name of it.

Class Summary
BaseTool BaseTool provides a base lifecyle for a commandline tool, and allows CLIToolOptions objects to be used for modular options processing.
CallableWrapperTask CallableWrapperTask calls the Callable when the task is executed.
CLIExecutionListener CLIExecutionListener implements ExecutionListener, and is used to supply other listeners to the ExecutionService, as well as provide a mechanism for logging messages to a provided CLIToolLogger.
CLIUtils CLIUtils provides utility functions
DefaultCLIToolLogger DefaultCLIToolLogger logs to System.out and System.err
ExecTool Main class for dispatch command line tool.
ExtendedOptions ExtendedOptions extracts all options after "--" in the input argumeents
FailedNodesFilestore Utility class for managing the failed nodes filestore
FrameworkSingleProjectResolver FrameworkSingleProjectResolver resolves the single project using a framework instance.
HelpOptions HelpOptions adds -h/--help options.
Log4JCLIToolLogger Log4JCLIToolLogger uses Log4j Logger implementation
LoglevelOptions LoglevelOptions provides a loglevel option
NodeFilterOptions NodeFilterOptions presents common Nodeset filter options for a CLI Tool.
TaskCallable TaskCallable is a Callable that executes an Ant Task.

Exception Summary
CLIToolException CLIToolException supertype of exceptions thrown by CLI tools
CLIToolOptionsException CLIToolOptionsException is ...