
Interface Summary
ServerService.WebConnectionParameters An interface for providing connection parameters for the web app

Class Summary
DeleteJobResultImpl DeleteJobResultImpl is ...
ExecutionDetailImpl ExecutionDetailImpl is ...
JobDefinitionSerializer JobDefinitionSerializer utility converts execution contexts to jobs.xml formatted XML.
QueuedItemResultImpl QueuedItemResultImpl simple implementation of QueuedItemResult, provides factory methods for creation.
RundeckAPICentralDispatcher RundeckAPICentralDispatcher serializes uses server API v1 to submit requests and receive responses.
RundeckAppConstants RundeckAppConstants is ...
ServerService ServerService provides the ability to make webservice requests to the Web server.
StoredJobExecutionImpl StoredJobExecutionImpl is ...
StoredJobImpl StoredJobImpl implements IStoredJob
StoredJobLoadResultImpl StoredJobResultImpl extends StoredJobImpl and implements IStoredJobLoadResult

Exception Summary
CentralDispatcherFailureResponseException CentralDispatcherFailureResponseException indicates that the request succeeded, but responded that the service failed
CentralDispatcherServerRequestException CentralDispatcherServerRequestException indicates that an error occurred during the request to or response from the server