Date: 10/26/2012
This release marks the end of the 1.4 development cycle, and includes bug fixes and a few new features.
We are planning to make some changes in the DB schema for the next release (1.5.x) that may not be backwards compatible so have included a feature to export a Rundeck project into an archive file. This will allow us to change the schema yet still allow users to migrate their projects.
Notable Changes:
- bug fixes (scheduled jobs, mail notifications, rd-jobs yaml output, jenkins plugin + parallel jobs)
- Project archive/import - download an archive of Jobs, Executions and History that can be imported into a different project
- Added a second level of sudo password support
- Add a 'purge' action to rd-jobs tool to delete jobs
- Better support for Tomcat war deployment
- View all nodes button in Run page
- Cascading option values from remote URLs
- CLI tools can follow execution output from the server (rd-queue, run, dispatch)
- API enhancements:
- query for executions and history reports
- retrieve execution output
- remote options URL failure allows text field input even if option is restricted (bug)
- project archive/import (enhancement)
- multiple sudo authentication support (enhancement)
- Document syntax of arguments passed to the run command (enhancement, documentation)
- add purge option to rd-jobs tool (enhancement, cli)
- Add query API for executions (enhancement, api)
- CLI tools can't authenticate to a tomcat war deployment of rundeck (bug)
- Allow history API to query for list of job names (enhancement, api)
- javascript problem: Can't change nodes when trying to run a saved job (bug, ux)
- Rundeck jobs fail to execute sometimes (bug)
- Rundeck war should not contain servlet api libraries (enhancement)
- deb dependency requires GUI libraries (enhancement, packaging)
- Enable property expansion in framework level default ssh user (enhancement, configuration, ssh)
- Mail notifications are broken in 1.4.3 (bug)
- resource model source URL basic auth support is broken (bug)
- Update wiki/documentation for remote option provider (documentation)
- Parallel/Concurrent jobs fail (bug)
- cli tool rd-jobs format yaml does not generate any content in file for 1.4.3 (bug, cli)
- Scheduled RunDeck jobs no longer work with RunDeck 1.4.3 (bug, scheduler, jobs)
- Allow disabling of hover popups (enhancement)
- Add a button to view all nodes in nodes filter view (enhancement, ux, filters)
- need REST interface to retrieve execution ouput (enhancement, api)
- dispatcher needs option to queue job but also observe log (enhancement)
- Ability to change the default number of lines to display for the TAIL output in the rundeck job execution history (enhancement)
- feature for cascading select list from options provider (enhancement)