There are two types of steps in a workflow:
When there are multiple Nodes to execute on, the Node Steps execute multiple times, although the Workflow Steps will execute only once. Workflow steps are always executed in order, so any sequence of steps will be completed before the next step is executed even if they run on multiple nodes or threads.
You can create a plugin to execute either type of step.
There are several reasons to create a Step Plugin:
Refer to the Plugin Development - Java Plugins section for information about correct definition of a Plugin class, including packaging as a Jar and annotation.
Be sure to use the @Plugin
annotation on your provider implementation class to let it be recognized by Rundeck (See Plugin Annotations).
Your service
name should be one of the three listed below. The class ServiceNameConstants contains static definitions of all Rundeck Service names.
Your plugins can be one of three types.
Each plugin type has an associated Java interface.
See Plugin Development - Java Plugins - Descriptions to learn how to create configuration properties for your plugin using Java annotations.
Annotate your class with @Plugin
and use the service name WorkflowStep
Implement the interface StepPlugin:
* Execute the step, return true if the step succeeded.
* @param context the plugin step context
* @param configuration Any configuration property values not otherwise applied to the plugin
public boolean executeStep(final PluginStepContext context, final Map<String, Object> configuration)
throws StepException;
Your implementation should return true
if it was successful, and false
Annotate your class with @Plugin
and use the service name WorkflowNodeStep
Implement the interface NodeStepPlugin:
* Execute the plugin step logic for the given node.
* @param context the step context
* @param configuration Any configuration property values not otherwise applied to the plugin
* @param entry the Node
* @throws NodeStepException if an error occurs
public boolean executeNodeStep(final PluginStepContext context,
final Map<String, Object> configuration,
final INodeEntry entry)
throws NodeStepException;
Your implementation should return true
if it was successful, and false
These are a specialized use-case of the Node Step plugin. They allow you to simply define a command or a script that should be executed on the remote nodes, and Rundeck will handle the remote execution of the command/script via the appropriate services.
Annotate your class with @Plugin
and use the service name RemoteScriptNodeStep
Implement the interface RemoteScriptNodeStepPlugin:
* Generate a full script or command string to execute on the remote node
* @param context the step context
* @param configuration Any configuration property values not otherwise applied to the plugin
* @param entry the Node
* @throws NodeStepException if an error occurs
public GeneratedScript generateScript(final PluginStepContext context,
final Map<String, Object> configuration,
final INodeEntry entry)
throws NodeStepException;
Your implementation should return a GeneratedScript object. You can make use of the GeneratedScriptBuilder class to generate the appropriate return type using these two factory methods:
* Create a script
* @param script the script text
* @param args the arguments for the script
public static GeneratedScript script(final String script, final String[] args);
* Create a command
* @param command the command and arguments
public static GeneratedScript command(final String... command);
Each plugin is passed a PluginStepContext instance that provides access to details about the step and its configuration:
public interface PluginStepContext {
* Return the logger
public PluginLogger getLogger();
* Return the project name
public String getFrameworkProject();
* Return the data context
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getDataContext();
* Return the nodes used for this execution
public INodeSet getNodes();
* Return the step number within the current workflow
public int getStepNumber();
* Return the context path of step numbers within the larger workflow context.
public List<Integer> getStepContext();
See the source directory examples/example-java-step-plugin
for examples of all three provider types.
Note: Currently these type of plugins can be implemented as script-based plugins:
See the Script Plugin Development for the basics of developing script-based plugins for Rundeck.
Use the service name for the plugin type:
For configuration properties, see the Resource Model Source Plugin - Plugin Properties.
To define property scopes, add a scope
entry in the map for a configuration property:
- type: Integer
name: count
title: Count
description: Enter the number of nodes to generate
scope: Project