Rundeck installation includes a control script used for starting and stopping the Rundeck server process. The control script provides a number of actions:
rundeckd [start|stop|restart|condrestart|status]
The RPM installation includes the placement of the boot control script that will automatically start Rundeck when the system boots.
The script is located here: /etc/init.d/rundeckd
/etc/init.d/rundeckd start
/etc/initd./rundeckd stop
When using the RPM, by default rundeck will use java found in your path. Various RPM based distributions provide ways of managing which version of java is found. CentOS uses /usr/sbin/alternatives
and the processing of setting alternatives can be found here:
If you have installed a JDK or JRE in a unique directory and do not want to alter the global system configuration, then simply setting JAVA_HOME before running any command will use the version of java found in JAVA_HOME/bin. Updating /etc/rundeck/profile with JAVA_HOME is another option as well.
The Launcher installation generates the script into the RDECK_BASE directory.
The script is located here: $RDECK_BASE/server/sbin/rundeckd
$RDECK_BASE/server/sbin/rundeckd start
$RDECK_BASE/server/sbin/rundeckd stop
You may choose to incorporate this script into your server's operating system specific boot process.