You can configure Rundeck to use a RDB instead of the default file-based data storage.
You must modify the server/config/
file, to change the dataSource
configuration, and you will have to add the appropriate JDBC driver JAR file to the lib directory.
The default dataSource is configured for filesystem storage using HSQLDB:
dataSource.url = jdbc:hsqldb:file:/var/lib/rundeck/data/grailsdb;shutdown=true
Here is an example configuration to use an Oracle backend:
1 |
Here is an example configuration to use Mysql:
1 |
NB: for Mysql, the autoReconnect=true
will fix a common problem where the Rundeck server's connection to Mysql is dropped after a period of inactivity, resulting in an error message: "Message: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost."
See more about configuring the Mysql JDBC Connector/J URL.
Copy the appropriate JDBC driver, such as "ojdbc14.jar" for Oracle into the server lib
cp ojdbc14.jar $RDECK_BASE/server/lib
cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bin.jar $RDECK_BASE/server/lib