
See the User Guide, API and Reference Docs for each version of Rundeck.

See All versions.


Below are the available resources for getting in touch with the Rundeck open source community


Mailing List

rundeck-discuss on Google Groups is the primary way to get in touch with the community or ask a question about Rundeck.


Hop on the IRC channel, there's usually someone there:
#rundeck on → connect by webchat now

Note: If you don't receive a reply right away, please be patient! We would like to answer your questions, but may not see your message until later in the day. If you can't stick around, consider following up with an email to the Google group.


Follow the Project, Tweet your experience: @rundeck

→ Tour

Get an overview of what Rundeck is and how you can use it.

→ User Stories

Case studies from Rundeck community members

→ News

News and Announcements

→ Videos

Watch screencasts about how to use Rundeck.

→ Related Projects

Projects that integrate with or help you use Rundeck.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Have an idea for the project?

See if it is already on the roadmap on the Trello board

Found a bug?

Please file an issue with Github Issues