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RSS Feed Plugin (Enterprise)

RSS Feed Plugin (Enterprise)

Available in PagerDuty Process Automation Commercial products.

This new plugin allows users to query and parse RSS feeds for events from SaaS and public-cloud providers.
When these providers have any service degradation, updates are posted to their status-page RSS feeds.

This plugin helps surface these events for customers of the SaaS and Cloud providers - thereby answering the questions of whether an incident is due to an internal issue or a third party.

RSS Feed Events


  1. In the Workflow tab of a job configuration, click on + Add a step.
  2. Click into the Workflow Steps tab.
  3. Search for RSS Feed and then select RSS Feed / Retrieve Events: Find Plugin
  4. In the RSS Feed Address field, either select a value from the dropdown, or enter another RSS Feed URL.
  5. For Time Range, specify the number of hours or days as the historical period for the RSS events.
  6. Select either Hours or Days from the Time Unit field.
  7. Optionally use the Limit Events field to restrict the number of RSS events to only a specific number of the most recent events.

Sample Configuration

In the example below, the job step will query for the 10 most recent events from within the last 2 hours from the AWS Events RSS Feed: AWS Example

Example Job

This example Job will query for recent AWS events. Depending on whether there has been an unresolved event in the past 3 hours, the Progress Badgeopen in new window will display a message indicating whether there have been recent events. This message is then posted to the Incident Timeline of a PagerDuty Incident:

Output in Runbook Automation
Output in Runbook Automation

Output in PagerDuty Slack App
Output in PagerDuty Slack App

  1. Copy the YAML below and save to a .yaml file.
  2. Upload the Job definition to your Runbook Automation or Process Automation instance.
  3. [Optional] Fill in the API Key and Email fields for the PagerDuty Incident Note step to post the output to the PagerDuty Incident timeline.
- defaultTab: nodes
  description: ''
  executionEnabled: true
  id: bbffec54-fc9d-4085-8b6b-d70e0c3f4617
  loglevel: INFO
  name: Retrieve AWS Events
  nodeFilterEditable: false
  - label: PagerDuty Incident ID
    name: pd_incident_id
    ExecutionLifecycle: {}
  scheduleEnabled: true
  schedules: []
    - configuration:
        timeRange: '3'
        timeUnit: Hours
      description: Retrieve AWS Events
      nodeStep: false
        - config:
            contextVariable: aws-incidents
            doNothing: 'true'
            mute: 'false'
            regex: 'specified time range: 0'
            statusSymbol: ✅
            text: No recent AWS incidents
          type: progress-badges
        - config:
            contextVariable: aws-incidents
            doNothing: 'true'
            mute: 'false'
            regex: \[RESOLVED\]
            statusSymbol: ✅
            text: Recent AWS incidents have been resolved
          type: progress-badges
        - config:
            contextVariable: aws-incidents
            doNothing: 'true'
            mute: 'false'
            regex: 'specified time range: [^0]\n.*((?!RESOLVED).)*$'
            statusSymbol: ❌
            text: Active AWS incident
          type: progress-badges
      type: rss-feed-retrieve-events
    - configuration:
        api_token: keys/pd-api-token
        incident_id: ${option.pd_incident_id}
        note: '${}\n Click here for more details: ${job.url}'
      description: Send Diagnostics to PagerDuty
          fail: 'false'
          halt: 'true'
          status: 'Please provide PagerDuty API token, User Email, and Incident ID
            to send diagnostics to Incident.'
        keepgoingOnSuccess: true
        nodeStep: false
        type: flow-control
      nodeStep: false
      type: pd-note-step
    keepgoing: false
    strategy: node-first
  uuid: bbffec54-fc9d-4085-8b6b-d70e0c3f4617