# Amazon Web Services EC2 - Workflow Steps

# Getting Started

Amazon's EC2 (opens new window) (Elastic Cloud Compute) is a cloud service in wide use for dynamic infrastructure; it is easy to start up and shut down Node "Instances" in the cloud. Use these Rundeck steps to automate common EC2 actions.

Access Key ID
Specify your AWS Access key.
  • Project setting: project.aws.access_key
  • Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.access_key
Secret Key
Specify the path to your AWS Secret Key in the Rundeck Key Storage
  • Project setting: project.aws.secret_key_path
  • Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.secret_key_path
Specify the region for the node.
  • Project setting: project.aws.region
  • Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.region

# EC2 VM Workflow Steps (Enterprise Only)

For most of these steps an Instance ID will need to be included for the instance to be acted on.

# AWS / VM / Start

Start the EC2 instance.

# AWS / VM / Stop

Start the EC2 instance.

# AWS / VM / Delete

Terminate the EC2 instance.


Be very careful when using this step. It would be possible to remove a lot of instances by mistake if the node filter is too broad.

# AWS / VM / CaptureSnapshot

Captures a Snapshot of the specified instance.

Provide a Snapshot Name for the newly created Snapshot, and Volume ID that the snapshot will be taken from.

# AWS / Cloud / Audit / Trail / Logs

Creates a log stream for the specified log group using log group name and log stream name.

Include the Log Group Name and Log Stream Name

# AWS / Configure / Vpc / Logs / Instance / Groups

Creates one or more flow logs to capture information about IP traffic for a specific network interface, subnet, or VPC.

# AWS / Create / Resource

Create EC2 resource from existing snapshots

# AWS / EnableVpc / NetworkPeering

Requests a VPC peering connection between two VPCs.

# AWS / Autoscaling / Update / Groups

Updates the configuration for the specified Auto Scaling group.