# AWS ELB Workflow Steps
Available in PagerDuty Process Automation products
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) is an AWS service that automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets and virtual appliances in one or more Availability Zones (AZs).
The following ELB plugins are available for PagerDuty Runbook Automation and Process Automation:
These plugins utilize the following properties:
- Access Key ID
- Specify your AWS Access key.
- Project setting: project.aws.access_key
- Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.access_key
- Secret Key
- Specify the path to your AWS Secret Key in the Rundeck Key Storage
- Project setting: project.aws.secret_key_path
- Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.secret_key_path
- Region
- Specify the region for the node.
- Project setting: project.aws.region
- Configuration Management/Framework Setting: aws.region
# Target Group Instance Statuses
The AWS / ELB / Target Unhealthy plugin is a Workflow Step that checks to see if any instances within the Target Groups of a particular ELB are reporting unhealthy:
Identifying unhealthy instances for a given load balancer can be a challenge because there can be multiple target-groups associated with a given load balancer, and multiple instances associated within a Target Group. This plugin checks all instances for all Target Groups "within" a given ELB and returns any that are "unhealthy."
# Plugin Field Descriptions
- Target Load Balancer: The name of the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) that routes traffic to the Target Group instances.
- Target Load Balancer Region: The AWS region where the ELB resides.
# See it in Action
This plugin is used in one of the prebuilt Jobs in our Automated Diagnostics Solution. Try out the Solution to see how this plugin can be used as part of incident-response workflows.