# Jira Node Step Plugins (Enterprise)

# Jira / Issue / Comment

Append notification messages to a Jira issue.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory input.

  • key: The Jira issue ID.
  • message: Message to append, can include variables.

# Jira / Issue / Create

Creates a new Jira issue.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory inputs.

  • project: Jira Project ID.
  • type: Type of the issue, default Incident
  • summary: Issue summary
  • description: Issue description

Optional inputs:

  • assignee: Issue assignee
  • reporter: Issue reporter